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Presentation on

• Production of a good product is not enough to
ensure its success in the market
• Unless target customers are aware of the existence
of the product, its feature, price etc, they will not
buy the product
• Thus it is necessary for the firm to manage proper
communication system.
• Marketers refers to communication with the target
audience as promotion.
• People no longer buy shoes to keep their feet
warm and dry. They buy them because of the
way the shoes make them feel- masculine,
feminine, different, sophisticated, young,
glamorous, “in”.

buying shoes has become an emotional experience.

Our business is now selling excitement rather than the
product (shoes here).
• Promotion is communicating information
between seller and buyer to influence attitudes
and behavior.
• The marketing manager’s promotion job is to tell
target customers that the right product is
available at the right place at the right price.

Promotional Mix
• Advertising
• Sales promotion
• Public relations
• Personal selling
• Advertising: any paid form of non personal
presentation of ideas, goods or services by an
identified sponsor

• Sales promotion: those promotion activities- other

than advertising, publicity and personal selling

• Publicity: any unpaid form of non-personal

presentation of ideas, goods or services

• Personal selling: direct face to face communication

b/w seller and customer
Promotional Mix

Promotion Mix tools:

• Advertising
• Sales promotion
• Public relations
• Personal selling
• Sales promotions are incentives to consumers
or trade that are designed to stimulate
• The most basic objective of any sales
promotion is to provide extra value that
encourages purchase.
– When it is targeted to consumer, the intention is
to stimulate consumer’s purchase.
– When the trade is targeted, the objective is to
induce the distributors to push the product.
Objectives of Sales Promotion:
• To fasten sales boost
• To encourage trial
• To encourage repeat purchases
• To stimulate purchases of larger stocks
• To gain distribution and shelf space
• To attract more and more consumers

• It is any paid form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods or

services by an identified sponsor.

• Advertisers include not only business firms but also museums, charitable
organizations, and government agencies that direct message to target

• Organizations handle their advertising in different ways, in small

companies, advertising is handled by someone in the sales or marketing
department, who works with an advertising agency.

• Large companies will often set up its own advertising department, even
most companies use outside advertising agencies to help create the add
campaigns and select the media.
Advertising objectives:
• Advertising objectives can be classified according to
whether their aim is to inform, persuade, or
• Informative advertising figures heavily in the
pioneering stage of product category, where the
objective is to build primary demand.
• Persuasive advertising becomes important in the
competitive stage, where a company’s objective is to
build selective demand for a particular brand.
• Reminder advertising is important with the mature
Advertising media types

Print media
Broad cast media
Direct advertising media
Outdoor media
Personal selling
• Also called as direct marketing.
• Has been defined as person to person selling.
• It’s a promotional activity consisting of human
contact and personal and oral communication rather
than impersonal mass communication.
• Salespersons are responsible to keep existing
customers informed about the company’s products
and services.
Personal selling process
1. The pre approach
2. The approach
3. The presentation
4. Handling objections
5. Closing the sales
6. Follow-up
Difference b/w personal selling & sales
Factors Personal selling Sales promotion
Mode of communication Direct- face to face Indirect & non personal
Regularity Regular & ongoing Short term stimulation
activity limited
Message flexibility Personalized and Uniform message, no
designed to meet specific variation
customer needs
Control over the message Fairly high High
Control over the message Fairly high High
Feedback Sales person gets direct Has no provision for direct
feedback from the feedback
• Marketers primarily focuses on customers, and
distributors but needs and interest of other groups
such as those of employees, shareholders, local
community, media, government and pressure groups
are also important.
• Public relation is the management of relationships
and communication to establish goodwill and mutual
understanding between an organization and its
• Major element of public relation is PUBLICITY:
• PUBLICITY: it is communication about a product
or organization by the placing of news about it
in the media without paying for time and space
• A big promotion of the publicity budget is spent
on maintaining relations with media with the
hope that media will feature the company more
frequently and prominently.
• E.g.
– ITC – sponsored ITC sangeet sammelan
– Reliance – sponsored World Cup Cricket
– MRF – sponsored World Cup Boxing
Difference b/w advertising and publicity

Factors Advertising Publicity

Payment The sponsoring organization Since the message is designed
has to pay for media space and printed by media, the
/time company does not have to pay
for it

Sponsor Has a clearly identified sponsor No sponsor is identified, the

which may be either the message originates from the
company or the brand name media source

Content The company has total control The company has no control
over the contents and coverage over the content and coverage,
of the message although it may have initiated
media interest and supplied the
necessary information
Fashion promotion

• The fashion sector utilizes the promotional

tools of advertising, PR, sales promotion,
personal selling, direct marketing and visual
• The fashion sector utilizes the promotional
tools in slightly different way from other
sector, planning much more emphasis on PR
and visual merchandising.
Main tool of the fashion communication mix:

• Advertising
• Direct marketing
• Personal selling
• Sales promotion
• PR and publicity
• Word of mouth
• Visual merchandising
• Packaging
• Corporate identity
• Exhibitions
• Thank you

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