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Topic 3:
Many people believe that the only way to a better future for
young people today is earning a university degree. To what
extent do you agree/disagree with this statement?
Thriving for a bright future is a legitimate wish
that everyone can cherish. In this modern world of
science and technology, most people associate a
guarantee of a good life with a university degree. To
my mind, although going to university is an easier
way leading to a promising prospect, it is by no
means the only way, because young people can
reach their goals from many different directions.
It is undeniable that a university degree is very important for one’s
career in several ways. In the first place, the university course equips
students with the most specialised and up-to-date scientific
information, which they can apply in their later job. For example, at a
medical school, a doctor-to-be must learn the use of medicine, the
symptoms of all kinds of illnesses and the appropriate courses of
treatment for them. Likewise, teachers training universities are where
students learn the specialist knowledge of the subject they are going to
teach later, as well as the methods by which to deliver effective
lessons. Without those skills, they would not be able to do their job so
as to earn a living. In addition, a university degree enables job seekers
to find a more suitable and prospective positions. It is common
knowledge that degree holders can be appointed to high posts in a
company and earn a better salary, or at least they can work as white-
collar workers, leaving strenuous tasks for the blue-collar ones, the
basic labourers with very modest income. Therefore, it is commonplace
to believe that a university degree can pave the way to a good future.
However, there are many other ways to success in life. Firstly,
those who have special gifts can take advantage of their own
ability to create a good life for themselves. A person with a
beautiful voice, say, can start their own singing career and enjoy a
good life. Similarly, someone who excels at a sport can opt for it as
a job that they will follow throughout their lives. As a matter of
fact, many people have become billionaire singers or sportspeople
and lead the lives that others must envy. Apart from these cases,
people without either real talents or a university degree can still be
successful in life. They can learn a particular skill in depth and can
easily live on it. For instance, working as a chef in restaurants can
earn people a very prosperous income. In order to do that, people
just have to learn to cook well, even with several specialities they
can become well-known and can easily find a good job. These are
just some examples of individuals who can live well without a
university degree.
In summary, achieving a university degree may
be a short way to a bright future. Nevertheless,
those who cannot, or do not want to do that
can gain success in many other ways, as long as
they make an effort to reach their goal and
realise their dreams.
The Problem/ Solution task tests your ability to write about a problem and suggest
ways to solve it.
On the question paper, you see a statement about a contemporary
problem and then two questions. One question asks you to identify
the causes of the problem and the other asks you to propose
solutions to the problem.
Here are basic rules for writing Problem/Solution Essays:
1. Read and analyse the problem and the questions carefully.
2. Write about the causes of the problem and propose possible solutions.
3. Write a brief, well-organised introduction, at least two main paragraphs and a
short conclusion.
4. Support your answer by giving reasons from your own knowledge and
5. Use an academic register or style.
6. Write at least 250 words.
7. Complete the task in about 40 minutes.
Look at the writing task below and answer the questions:
Every year millions of people around the world suffer from poor
health as a result of air pollution.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

1. What problem does the task ask you to discuss?

2. What does the first question ask you to do?
3. What does the second question ask you to do?
4. Think of some answers to the first and second question.
5. Do you have any personal experiences or knowledge related to
this problem?
1. Causes
- deforestation
- exhaust fumes from vehicles & factories
- toxic fumes from polluted rivers/ lakes
- chemicals from farming
- forest fires
- volcanic eruptions
2. Solutions
- use public transport
- use clean/ green sources of energy
1. Causes
+ objective causes:
- forest fires
- volcanic eruptions
+ subjective causes:
- exhaust fumes from means of transport, factories
(fossil fuels)
- toxic gas from dump waste
- chemicals from farms
- toxic fumes from polluted rivers/ lakes
- 2. Solutions
- individuals:
+ use public transport
+ plant more trees
+ wear masks
- factories
+ use waste-treatment systems
+ turn to green energy
- government
+ upgrade traffic system
+ projects to clean rivers/ lakes
+ impose heavy fines on factories that break the laws
- International organisations: carry out propagandas to
raise people’s awareness
+ Air is essential to the existence of all creatures.
However, in today’s modern society, there is a
marked increase in air pollution level, which can put
human’s health in risk. To my mind, air pollution
results from many factors and there are several
solutions to cope with this problem.
+ Living healthily is the strongest desire in everyone’s
life. However, polluted air has affected our life
seriously. I believe that there are many causes of air
pollution and we must find out solutions for this
global issue.
Health is always considered the most important to
people’s well-being. However, it is now
increasingly threatened by air pollution. From my
point of view, air pollution is the consequence of
both natural and artificial factors, and people,
from each individual to the governments, should
take immediate measures to solve this serious
+ Environmental pollution has become an urgent
problem in all corners of the world. As a result, many
people have to suffer from dangerous diseases
caused by pollution, especially air pollution. There are
many factors that cause air pollution and we must
have solutions to reduce the effects it brings to us.
+ The development of information and technology
has changed our life significantly. Besides a large
number of benefits, it brought to us some serious
problems, including pollution. Many people said that
we now have to face with an increased number of
illnesses because of air pollution. In my opinion, there
are something we can do about this problem.
2. Solutions
- Individuals: use public transport, use organic
fertilizers, pesticides, plant more trees
- Organisations: install exhaust-processing
- Government: control chemical exhaustion
from factories, encourage people to use
private vehicles less
- International associations: raise awareness,
share inform.
1. causes:
* man-made
+ agricultural activities (burn straws after harvest
+ industrial activities + transportation
+ deforestation
* natural: natural disasters (volcanic eruption +
forest fires)
2. Solutions
* Government:
+ develop public transport
+ produce clean forms of energy (solar, wind power)
+ conduct propagandas to raise people’s awareness
+ enforce stricter laws
* Factories:
+ install exhaust-processing systems
* Individuals:
+ plant more trees
+ clean the surroundings
+ use devices to purify air at home/ at work places
In many parts of the world, there is not enough food for everyone.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
1. Spend a few minutes reading and thinking about the problem and the
questions. Make sure you understand what the task is asking you to do.
Underline key words.
2. You don’t have much time, but you should make a brief plan. Think
about the most important ideas you need to include, for example, the
main causes and main solutions to the problem.
3. Your essay should include an introduction, two main paragraphs and a
4. Your introduction can be brief. You should restate the problem in your
own words and then briefly explain why this problem is a serious one.
5. Begin each main paragraph with a topic sentence. In the first main
paragraph, the topic sentence should indicate that you are going to
discuss the causes of the problem. In the second paragraph, the topic
sentence should indicate that you are going to discuss the solutions to
the problem.
6. In both paragraphs, you should use linking words and phrases to
signal that you are moving from one point to another.
7. In the first main paragraph, you should use vocabulary of cause
and effect to explain why the problem exists.
8. In the second main paragraph, you should support the solutions
you give with examples, explanations and experiences.
9. The final paragraph can be brief. You should restate the main
arguments and bring the essay to a conclusion, for example, you
could indicate which solution is best, or you can express hope for
a better future.
10. Keep track of the time. You have about 40 minutes to do Task 2
11. Make sure your handwriting is clear and legible enough for the
examiners to read.
12. As you write your response, keep in mind the criteria that the
examiners use to mark your response.
Task question:
In many parts of the world, illiteracy rates are still high.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?
+ Introduce the background of the problem
+ Address the serious effects of the problem
+ Mention the main causes of the problem
+ State the need to solve the problem
+ Express belief that the problem can be solved

Our world today is highly developed with a

myriad of incredible achievements in science and
technology. However, in many corners of the
modern life, there are still poor people who cannot
even read or write. In my point of view, illiteracy
stems from several main factors, yet the problem
can be solved if everyone joins hands to solve it.
1. Conjunctions
As, because, seeing that, since, for, in that, in as much as,
now that, in case, so, that is why
2. Prepositions
Because of, on account of, by virtue of, on one’s behalf, due to, owing to, thanks to,
as the result of, as a consequence of, for, with, out of, of, from
3. Adverbs
Therefore, thus, hence, consequently, accordingly, as a result, as a consequence, for
that reason.
4. Verb phrases
+ result in/ cause/ lead to/ make/ bring about/ give rise to/ be responsible for/ play
a role in + result
+ result from/ stem from/ be caused by + reason
+ prevent/ deter + O + from + N/V-ing
+ Put sth down to sth
Ascribe/ attribute sth to sth
+ difficult conditions: - remote areas – too far away/ shortage of
- wars
- financial problems
+ people’s ways of thinking: - prejudice against girls and women
- custom of early marriage
 Causes: objective (outer) vs subjective (inner)
1. Verbs:
+ should, ought to, must, may, might, could + be + to V
+ Passive form
+ act/take action/ measure/steps/ take (assume) the responsibility
2. Sentence structures:
+ It is necessary to …
+ There should be …
+ The government should/ ought to
+ Everyone must join hands to …
+ The best way is to …
+ The most important/ urgent solution may be …
+ The responsibility first falls on …
+ Government: - offer scholarships for poor children
- open more schools in remote areas
- improve infra-structure (bridges, roads)
- raise teachers’ salary
+ Individuals: - change attitudes
1. Restate the main ideas in the main paragraphs
+ Mention the most important causes
+ Explain why the problem is difficult to solve
+ State why solving the problem is important
2. Express hope for a better situation
Task question:
One problem faced by almost every large city is traffic congestion.
What do you think are the causes of this?
What solutions can you suggest?

Sample answer:

The problem of congested traffic affects many cities around the

world today. City streets are sometimes full with traffic jams from
early in the morning to the middle of night which means that
everyone waste a lot of time every day. This is a difficult issue
and the solutions are not easy answers.
One of the causes is urbanisation has happened, so many cities in the world
have become much bigger population. For example, in my home country China
my grandparents moved from the countryside life to the city to make more
money. It is a good thing that people get more money now, but it means more
cars and more traffic congestion. Also, cars cost little money now China than in
the past so easy to buy for many people. Finally, many roads have been built
but they are immediately full of cars so they just mean more cars are built.
The solution to traffic congestion can be done for example, in some cities in
China and around the world, the government say only few cars can travel into
the city centre. This is a good way, but it must have an alternative like public
transport. So governments must spend more money in building public
transport systems instead of people use their private cars. Another solution is
to have a high tax on gasoline to discourage private cars but a subsidise on
public transport to encourage people do this way.
In conclusion, traffic congestion is getting worse every year because of
urbanisation. The answer is our governments improve the public transport
systems and make it cost little money so we have an actual alternative to cars.
Task Response: 9 - The writer fully addresses all parts of the task and
present a fully developed position in answer to the question with
relevant and well-supported ideas.
Coherence and Cohesion: 8 – Information and ideas are logically
sequenced throughout the answer. Paragraphs are used
appropriately throughout and the writer manages all aspects of
cohesion well.
Lexical Resource: 7 – The writer uses a sufficient range of vocabulary
to allow some flexibility and precision. Less common lexical items
are used with some awareness of style and collocation.
Grammar Range and Accuracy: 6 – A mix of simple and complex
sentence forms is used. Some errors in grammar are made but
they rarely reduce communication.
Write about the following topic:
In many parts of the world, many women still suffer from
domestic violence.
What are the causes of this problem?
What solutions can you suggest?

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