Duties and Functions of The School Principal

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 The School Principal’s position was

one of the first positions that

emerged in the profession of
educational administration.
 The position derives its legal status
from the Revised Administrative
Code which enumerates the powers
and duties of the director.
Specifically. Section 910 (C) states:
 He (the Director) shall
prescribe the authority to be
exercised by the principal
teacher of each school over
the teachers, if any, and his
duties as teacher actually
engaged in the work and
instruction and the caring of
the schoolhouses and school
 Previously, the school principal is appointed
by the Regional Director upon the
recommendation of the Schools
Superintendent of the region.

 The position of school principal as originally

provided for in the budget of the BPS in the
General Appropriations Act. Other special
laws such as city charter and R.A. 5447
(Special Education Fund Act) also provide
for the position of School Principals.
 With the passage of the Republic Act No.
9155 which is known as the Governance of
Basic Education Act of 2001 however,
changes have been made regarding the
appointment of school heads or principals.
 The law provides that the Secretary of
Education shall create a promotions board,
at the appropriate level, which shall
formulate and implement a system of
promotion for school heads. Promotion of
school heads shall be based on educational
qualification, merit and performance rather
than on the number of teachers/learning
facilitators and learners in the school.
= Furthermore, the qualifications, salary
grade, status of employment and welfare
and benefits of school heads shall be the
same for public elementary, secondary and
integrated schools.
= The school head, who may be assisted by
an assistant school head, shall be both an
instructional leader and administrative
manager. The school head shall form a
team with the school teachers/learning
facilitators for delivery of quality education
program, projects and services. A core of
non-teaching staff shall handle the school’s
administrative, fiscal and auxiliary services.
R.A. 9155 or the Governance of Basic
Education Act of 2001 delineates the duties
and responsibilities of a school head or
principal in consonance with the national
educational policies, plans and standards.
According to the Implementing Rules and
Regulations promulgated by the
Department of Education pursuant to
Section 14 of Republic Act No. 9155, the
school heads shall have authority,
accountability and responsibility for the
1. Setting the mission, vision, goals and
objectives of the school;
2. Creating an environment within the school
that is conductive to teaching and
3. Implementing, monitoring and assessing
the school curriculum and being
accountable for higher learning outcomes;
4. Developing the school education program
and school improvement plan;
5. Offering educational programs, projects
and services which provide equitable
opportunities for all learners in the
6. Introducing new and innovative modes of
instruction to achieve higher learning
7. Administering and managing all
personnel, physical and fiscal resources of
the school;
8. Recommending the staffing complements
of the school based on the needs;
9. Encouraging and enhancing staff
10. Establishing school and community
networks and encouraging the active
participation of teacher organizations,
non-academic personnel of public
schools, and parent teacher community
11. Accepting donations, gifts, bequests and
grants in accordance with existing laws
and policy of the department for the
purpose of upgrading teachers/learning
facilitators’ competencies, improving and
expanding school facilities and providing
instructional materials and equipment.
Such donations or grants must be
reported to the division superintendent;
12. Performing such other functions as may be
assigned by the Secretary, Regional
Director and Schools Division
Superintendent where they belong.
 In the spirit of shared governance which
R.A. 9155 espouses, the principal exercises
empowerment within her area of
jurisdiction. Shared governance is a
principle which organizes that every unit in
the organization bureaucracy has a
particular role, task and responsibility
inherent in the office and for which it is
principally accountable for outcomes. The
process of democratic constitution shall be
observe in the decision-making process at
appropriate levels. Feedback mechanisms
shall be established to ensure coordination
and open communication with the central,
regional, division, and district offices.
 Since the principal is the person responsible for the
administrative and instructional supervision of the
school, she maintains her independence in
decision-making as long as the principles of
accountability and transparency are operationalized
in the performance of her functions and

 In areas of the country where schools districts exist

and are headed by schools district supervisor, R.A.
9155 stipulates that the schools district
supervisors merely provide professional and
instructional advice to the school heads/principals
and teachers/facilitators of school and learning
centers in the district cluster thereof. Schools
district supervisors act as curricular supervisors
and offer instructional support.
 Principals are empowered to embark on
programs and projects which would
redound to improvement of instruction
and as such are directly and solely
accountable to the appointing authority.
 It is also pertinent to mention at this point
that under R.A 9155, principals are given a
wide latitude to decide on how to improve
their schools. They are granted
administrative powers such as preparation
of their manpower and logistics
requirements, recommending to teacher
applicants, and deciding on appropriate
textbooks for their students.
 Section 2 of the Declaration of Policies of Republic
Act No. 6713 entitled Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standards for Public Officials and Employees

It is the policy of the state to promote a high

standard of ethics in public service. Public officials
and employees shall at all times be accountable to
the people and shall discharge their duties with
utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and
loyalty, act with patriotism and practice, lead
modest lives and uphold public interest over
personal interest.
In consonance thereof, this code of Ethics for
Principals is declared as the embodiment of ideas
which will guide them in the performance of their
duties as public school principals.
Section 1. The principal should dignify the
teaching profession, uphold the importance
of his service to society and manifest
enthusiasm for and pride in the profession.

Section 2.The principal should broaden his

cultural outlook and enhance his
professional interest so that he can
maintain the highest possible standards of
the profession.
Section3. The principal should maintain his own
efficiency through study, research and other
means which will help keep him abreast with
the growing trends education and the world in
which he lives.

Section 4.The principal should encourage and

nurture professional growth of all co-workers
by appropriate methods of recognition.

Section 5.The principal should be vigilant of the

dangers of undue political interference in
Section 6.The principal should make his
stand clear, definite and firm on all
education issues to prove that this business
which is education is served best by his
being non-partisan in all aspects.
Section 1.Every principal and his associates
should be imbued at all times with the spirit
of professional loyalty, mutual confidence
and faith in one another when the best
interest of the children, the school or the
profession is at stake.

Section 2.Every principal and his associates

should a shinning example of moral values
and upright living, teach and live a good life
and practice what he preaches.
Section 3.Every principal or his associates
should make due acknowledgement of
assistance received from each other.

Section 4. Professional criticism of

associates should be made only for the
welfare of the children or the school.

Section 5.Every principal or his associates

should hold inviolate all confidential
information concerning his associates and
the school. Divulging information not yet
officially released should be avoided.
Section 6. No principal or his associates should
apply for a position that is not vacant definitely
known about to be vacant.

Section 7. “Command Responsibility” should be the

rule, rather than the exception in the management
of the school. The principal or his associates
should respect the wishes of those assigned to take
charge of specific functions in the school.

Section 8. Every principal or his associates should

strive to develop and attain high sense of human
values, moral, social, economic and cultural
Section 9.Every principal or his associates
should see each other as human beings,
endowed with individual feelings,
capabilities and attitude.

Section 10. Every principal or his

associates should understand that official
time should be devoted fully, faithfully and
conscientiously to the accomplishment of
improvement of his work.

Section 11. Every principal expecting

professional loyalty form his associate
should set an example by his discharge of
efficient. Loyalty is earned, not imposed.
Section 1.The principal should at all times be
imbued with the spirit of reciprocal
professional loyalty.

Section 2.The principal whether on or off

duty, should extend needed and justified
assistance to subordinates.

Section 3.Every principal should see to it that

a spirit of healthy companionship pervades
the entire system.
Section 4.The principal should not allow any
school personnel or teacher to apply for a
position that is not vacant nor criticize the
qualifications of the competitor.
 The principal assumes an obligation and a
responsibility when he accepts the position
of principal of the school. Among other
responsibilities, he must use every means
available for the advancement of professional
attitudes and ideals in himself and in the
staff under his direction. This is the greatest
importance, and he must have a code of
ethical conduct which is readily evident to all
of the school’s publics and by which he is
guided in his daily work.
1. The principal will assume full responsibility for
his errors and will make proper admission to
responsible persons or agencies.
2. The principal should not seek his own account,
undue publicity for his acts, but will rely on the
merits of the outcome of his acts as judged by
other responsible persons.
3. The principal will conduct his-out-of-school
affairs and life so as to be consistent and
compatible with his position of principalship and
in a manner that maintains his community respect
and dignity.
4. The principal will not unduly cultivate the
friendship of individual members of the
School Board for self-aggrandizement and
special privilege.
5. The principal will keep in confidence any
information obtained in a personal
relationship from a student or member of
his staff, unless the withholding of such
information is unlawful and of great
detriment to the welfare of the school.
6. The principal shall not receive from a
publisher any reward for services in the
selection of a textbook for the school. He
will appoint a committee of qualified
teachers to review all textbooks and
teaching material and may be guided by
their recommendations.
7. The principal shall regard the selection of
textbooks and instructional equipment for
the best interest of the students and shall
be obligated to distribute purchase among
several competing firms.
8. The principal shall not give undue favor to
local author or publisher unless their
instructional materials are of the same
quality as other competing firms.
1. The principal in a supervisory capacity will
not openly criticize a teacher before others
or in the presence of students.
2. The principal will criticize a member of the
instructional staff on a confidential basis
privately or before the superintendent with
necessary evidence.
3. The principal will not recommend the
dismissal of school personnel unless he gives
the teacher a clear-cut reason for his action,
allows the charged teacher full recourse of
the law in full accord with the legal
regulations regarding dismissals.
4. The principal will support and protect the
right of all members of his staff from
unreasonable and unjust charges as
citizens or exercising their professional
rights as teachers.
5. The principal will sincerely endeavor to
improve the social vision and the
professional services and understandings
of his staff and himself.
6. The principal will promote the professional
welfare of all members of his staff by
working for adequate salaries, security,
professional growth and recognition.
7. The principal will not interfere with
teacher’s appraisal of a student’s work
unless there is definite evidence of malice
and injustice in the teacher’s evaluation.
8. The principal will recommend a candidate for
a position on the basis of all around
professional qualifications for the position.
He will not be influenced by personal
consideration, transfer, or a position outside
the community except on a basis of
professional qualification. He will not make
an insincere recommendation on the basis of
personal acquaintance.
9. The principal will give full consideration for
release of a teacher from a contract if an
unusual professional advancement in
position and status is involved.
10. The principal has no moral right to try
to fill a position during the school year and
pressure the teacher in the other school
system to resign without sufficient notice,
unless it is regarded as a definite
professional promotion and advancement.
1. The principal will not reprimand a student
publicly or other person unless such
persons can help the student correct and
improve such behavior or attitude.
2. The principal should regard student
delinquency and misconduct as a condition
that needs study and understanding rather
than outright punishment without an
examination of the underlying causes of
such delinquency and follow existing Civil
Service/DepED rules and regulation.
3. The principal will be vigorous in his efforts to
assure every student a full opportunity for
growth and development consistent with the
student’s interest aptitude and ability.
4. The principal will report all misconduct of a
minor nature to a parent only if it is chronic
and his behavior is not showing any
5. The principal will give full credit to a student
for outstanding achievement to the proper
persons at the appropriate time and occasion.
6. The principal will reveal the personal record
and confidential matters only to authorized
persons and upon order of the court.
1. The principal will not accept personal
commissions or bonuses from agents or
organizations (who have transactions with
the superintendent of schools, because he
is in a position to influence the
2. The principal will not allow his name or
position to be used in endorsing a
commercial product or a questionable
propaganda cause.
3. The principal will not allow his position,
teachers, or students to be used by persons
or a group of persons for personal gain or
for advancing questionable propaganda.
4. The principal will at all times be loyal to
the school officials and their policies.

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