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ENROLL NO.- 05321401719
What is the need of water?
 Water is, literally, the source of life on
 All metabolic activities required water
 The human body is 70% water, People
begin to feel thirst after a loss of only 1%
of bodily fluids and risk death if fluid loss
nears 10%
 Concept of leaf senescence…Teak
Water need for other activities
 Domestic Activities ( personal, household, and municipal )

Basic water requirement of 50 liters per person per day" as a

minimum standard to meet four basic needs—for drinking,
sanitation, bathing, and cooking
 Agriculture
 Industries
 Constructions
Where from water get?
 River
 Lakes
 Pond
 Well
 Rain water
 Streams
Water Availability and Use
 70% of the earth's surface is water, 30%
in Land
 3% of all water on earth is fresh-water
 most of this is largely unavailable in the
form of ice caps and glaciers
 1% is accessible surface freshwater.
Factors regarding stress of water
 Population
The world's population is expanding rapidly. Yet there is no more
freshwater on earth now than there was 2,000 years ago, when the
population was less than 3% of its current size
The demand for freshwater has been rising in response to industrial
development, increased reliance on irrigated agriculture, massive
urbanization, and rising living standards
 Inappropriate agricultural
 Industrialization
 Urbanization
 leaky municipal pipes
 Improper pricing of municipal water
 Poor watershed management
 Other imprudent practices
 Pollution
Due to untreated municipal sewage, toxic industrial effluents, and
harmful chemicals from agricultural activities
Spending of fresh water

 Globally, agriculture- 69%; industry- 23%; domestic, about 8%

 In Africa, agriculture- 88%; industry- 5%; domestic 7%.
 In Asia, agriculture- 86%; industry- 8%; domestic 6%.
 In Europe, agriculture- 33%; industry- 54%; domestic 13%.
 In India agriculture- 90%; industry- 7%; domestic 3%.
What we can do for water

 Local communities should take an active part in planning and

implementing water management schemes, if they are to be
 Look for appliances that reduce water use. Shower heads,
dishwashers, washing machines, taps and toilets with excellent water
 Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth
 Toilets are big water users. Use the full flush only when necessary
 Installing flow regulators on kitchen and bathroom taps
 Clean vegetables in a plugged sink rather than with the wate r running
 Pool covers help to reduce evaporation
 Use a bucket and not the pipes to wash your car.
 Use the water meter to chec k for hidden leaks
Wars over Water?

 controversy for water, between Israel and Jordan (Jordian

killed 7 Israeli school girls for water agreement.1994) Israel
already has used its military power to maintain access to the
Jordan River.
 Egypt has threatened Ethiopia with war if it carries out plans
to divert more water from the Blue Nile for agricultural use.
 India & Bagladesh Ganga water problem
 In india, Rajasthan and Gujarat problem for sabarmati river
 Karnataka and Andhra pradesh Krishna water problem

 Many more problem related to water… .globally

Water Conservation and Management
 How much water do we need and where do we get it?" Rather, it is
"how much water is there and how can we best benefit from it?“
 India as a whole is expected to enter the water-stress category by
 Proper domestic use
 Efficient agricultural use
 Water harvesting
 Desalination of marine water
 Forest conservation. Forests are important water regulators Their
root structures act as nature's sponges, soaking up water and
releasing it slowly throughout the year, thus contributing to reliable
river flow, replenishing groundwater supplies, reducing soil erosion,
and releasing moisture into the atmosphere.
 Recycling of industrial water
 Waste water treatment to avoid water pollution & save the aquatic
and our life.
 watershed or river-basin management especially in water-short
 Instituting a workable water infrastructure
 Enacting and enforcing water legislation and regulations
 Valuing freshwater resources
 Creating competent administrative and legal structures
 Making institutions more responsive and effective
 Training senior water managers
 Establishing closer ties to universities and research
 institutes water management to the needs of agriculture,
industry, and municipalities, and meeting public health
requirements for proper sanitation and disease prevention
Ways for water conservation
Save water and save life
Thank you.

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