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Transport Phenomena

DGC 50103

Chapter 2 : Inviscid Flow And Bernoulli


Prepared by : Rahizana bt Mohd


2.0 Inviscid Flow and Bernoulli Equation

2.1 Express Bernoulli Equation
2.2 Apply Bernoulli Equation in inviscid flow.
At the end of this chapter :

Derive the Bernoulli equation

Demonstrate practical uses of the Bernoulli and continuity equation

in the analysis of flow

Understand the use of hydraulic and energy grade lines.

Apply Bernoulli Equation to solve fluid mechanics problems (e.g

flow measurement)
The Bernoulli’s Equation

 Let us first derive the Bernoulli equation, which is one of the most well-
know equations of motion in fluid mechanics and yet is often misused.
It is thus important to understand its limitations and the assumptions
made in the derivation.

 The assumptions can be summarized as follow:

- Inviscid flow (ideal fluid, frictionless)
- Steady flow (unsteady Bernoulli equation will be not discussed)
- Applied along a streamline.
- Constant density (incompressible flow)
- No shaft work or heat transfer
The Bernoulli’s Equation

 The Bernoulli equation is an

approximate relation between
pressure, velocity, and elevation,
and is valid in regions of steady,
incompressible flow where net
frictional forces are negligible. Figure 1

 Equation is useful in flow regions

outside of boundary layers and
wakes, where the fluid motion is
governed by the combined effects
of pressure and gravity forces
Acceleration of Fluid Particles

 Describe the motion of a particle in term

of its distance S along a streamline
together with the radius of curvature
along the streamline. The velocity of a
particle along a streamline is V = V(s,t )
= ds/dt.

 The acceleration can be decomposed

into two components: streamlines
acceleration and normal acceleration an
in the direction normal to the streamline
which is given as an = V2/R
Acceleration of Fluid Particles
 Note that streamwise acceleration is due to a
change in speed along a streamline and normal
acceleration is due to change in direction.

 The time rate change of velocity is the


 In steady flow, the acceleration in the s direction

Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation

Applying Newton’s second law (which is referred to as the linear

momentum equation in fluid mechanics) in the s-direction on a
particle moving along a streamline gives

The force balance in S direction gives

Where :

m = ρV= ρ dA ds is the mass, W = mg = ρg dA ds is the weight of

the fluid particle, and sin ϴ = dz/ds.
Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation

Canceling dA from each term and simplifying,

Noting that V dV = ½ d(V2) and dividing each term by ρ gives

Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation

Integrating, steady flow

Steady, incompressible flow:

The sum of the kinetic, potential, and flow energies of a fluid

This is the famous Bernoulli equation particle is constant along a streamline during steady flow when
compressibility and frictional effects are negligible
Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation

This is the Bernoulli equation consisting of three energy heads

Pressure head which is the work done to move fluid against pressure

Elavation head, representing the potential energy z can be measured above

any reference datum

Velocity head, representing the kinetic energy

Derivation of the Bernoulli Equation

A head corresponds to energy per unit weight of flow

and has dimensions of length

Piezometric head = pressure head + elevation head,

which is the level registered by a piezometer connected
to that point in a pipeline.

Total head = piezometric head + velocity head

The Bernoulli Equation Limitations

Frictional effects and components that disturb the streamlined

structure of flow in a flow section make the Bernoulli equation invalid
The Bernoulli Equation Limitations
1. Steady flow The first limitation on the Bernoulli equation is that it is applicable to steady flow. Therefore,
it should not be used during the transient start-up and shut-down periods, or during periods of change in the
flow conditions.

2. Negligible viscous effects In general, frictional effects are negligible for short flow sections with large
cross sections, especially at low flow velocities. Frictional effects are usually significant in long and narrow
flow passages, in the wake region downstream of an object, and in diverging flow sections such as diffusers
because of the increased possibility of the fluid separating from the walls in such geometries. Frictional
effects are also significant near solid surfaces, and thus the Bernoulli equation is usually applicable along a
streamline in the core region of the flow, but not along a streamline close to the surface

3. No shaft work The Bernoulli equation was derived from a force balance on a particle moving along a
streamline. Therefore, the Bernoulli equation is not applicable in a flow section that involves a pump,
turbine, fan, or any other machine or impeller since such devices disrupt the streamlines and carry out
energy interactions with the fluid particles.
4. Incompressible flow One of the approximations used in the derivation of the Bernoulli equation is that r
constant and thus the flow is incompressible.

5. Negligible heat transfer The density of a gas is inversely proportional to temperature, and thus the
Bernoulli equation should not be used for flow sections that involve significant temperature change such as
heating or cooling sections.

6. Flow along a streamline The Bernoulli equation P/ρ + V2/2 gz = C is applicable along a streamline, and
the value of the constant C is generally different for different streamlines. However, when a region of the flow
is irrotational and there is no vorticity in the flow field, the value of the constant C remains the same for all
streamlines, and the Bernoulli equation becomes applicable across streamlines as well
2.0 Inviscid Flow

The following equation holds for an

incompressible, inviscid, steady flow in a
stream tube (see Fig. 2.6). A stream tube is
an imaginary tube considered in a fluid flow
through whose wall the fluid does not cross.

Fig. 2.6 : Flow in a stream tube

 where p1 and v1 are the pressure and velocity at a
location 1.
 The vertical distance from that position to a
reference position is denoted by z1.
 ρ and g are the density and the acceleration due to
gravity, respectively.
 The corresponding values at location 2 are denoted
by p2, v2, and z2.
In the real pipeline systems Eq. (2.46) is modified as follows:

where vm1 and vm2 are the cross-sectional mean velocities

at the locations 1 and 2, respectively, and hL is the
hydrodynamic loss. The method of evaluating hL will be
presented in a subsequent section.
Figure 2.7 shows a solid sphere immersed
in a fluid flowing at velocity V. Location 1 is
upstream of the sphere and location 2 is at
the forward stagnation point of the sphere.
Assuming z1 = z2, the Bernoulli equation
become Fig. 2.7 Pressure on the forward
stagnation point of a sphere fixed in
uniform approaching flow
Substituting p1 = ps, v1 = V, p2 = pt, and v2 = 0 into Eq. (2.48)

where pt, ps, and ρV2 /2 are the total pressure, static pressure,
and dynamic pressure, pd, respectively.
The Bernoulli’s Equation

This is the most general equation

1 2 1 2
P1  gy1  v1  P2  gy2  v2
2 2

Work per unit Potential Kinetic Points 1 and 2

volume done energy energy must be on the
by the fluid per unit per unit same streamline
volume volume
Example 1
Water flows at a velocity of 3.0 m/s. Calculate the dynamic pressure, pd, by
assuming that the density of water, ρ, is 998 kg/m3 .


The dynamic pressure pd = ρV2 /2

= 998 kg/m3 x 3.0 3.0 / 2

= 4.49 kPa
Example 2
Water is poured into a very large cylindrical vessel at a flow rate, Q L,
of 2.0 x10-2 m3 /s (see Figure). The water issues through a hole at the
bottom of the vessel. The diameter of the hole, D, is 5.0 cm.
Calculate the depth of water, H, in the vessel at steady state by
assuming that the hydrodynamic loss is negligible.


Consider the flow between location 1 on the water surface and

the location 2 at the exit of the bottom hole. The Bernoulli law
without hydrodynamic loss is expressed by
Since the vessel is large, the falling velocity of the water surface, vm1, is
negligibly small, z1 is equivalent to H, and z2 = 0. The pressures, p1 and
p2, are equal to the atmospheric pressure, p0. Equation reduces to


The cross-sectional mean velocity, vm2, is



Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) yields

H = ( 10.2 )2 / ( 2.0 x 9.80)
= 5. 31 m
Example 3
Water flows in a horizontal circular pipe from location 1 to location 2, as shown in Figure. The
cross-sectional mean velocity at location 1 is 3.0 m/s, and the density of water is 1,000
kg/m3. Calculate the difference between the gauge pressure at location 1, p1, and that at
location 2, p2. The hydrodynamic loss is negligible.

The cross-sectional mean velocity at location 2, vm2, can be calculated

from the equation of continuity, thus:
vm2 = vm1(A1 / A2) = vm1( D1 / D2 )2 = 3.0 x ( 0.30 / 0.15)2

= 3.0 x (0.30 / 0.15)2 1 2 1

P1  gy1  v1  P2  gy2  v22
2 2
= 3.0 x 4 = 12 m/s

The Bernoulli equation without hydrodynamic loss is

Since the pipe is placed horizontally,


Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. ( 1) gives

p1 - p2 = ρ(vm2 )2 - (vm1)2 / 2 = 1000 x (144 -

9) / 2

= 6.75 x104 Pa
Example 4

A nozzle is connected to a horizontal hose. The nozzle shoots out water moving at 25 m/s. What is
the gauge pressure of the water in the hose? Neglect viscosity and assume that the diameter of the
nozzle is much smaller than the inner diameter of the hose.


Let point 1 be inside the hose and point 2 be outside the nozzle.

1 2 1 2
P1  gy1  v1  P2  gy2  v2
2 2

The hose is horizontal so y1 = y2. Also P2 = Patm.

Solution 4:
1 1
Substituting: P1  v12  Patm  v22
2 2
1 1
P1  Patm  v 2 
2 2

v2 = 25 m/s and v1 is unknown. Use the continuity equation.

  d2 2 
   2
 A2    2    d2 
v1   v2   2  2  d  v2
v 
 A1   d 
  1    1
 
  2  

Since d2<<d1 it is true that v1<<v2.

1 2 1 2
P1  Patm  v2  v1
2 2
 
  v2  v1  v2
2 2 1 2
2 Since v1  0
 
 1000 kg/m  25 m/s 
3 2

 3.1 10 Pa
Group work
Question 1

Spraying Water into the Air Water is flowing from a garden hose (Fig. 1). A child places his thumb to cover
most of the hose outlet, causing a thin jet of high-speed water to emerge. The pressure in the hose just
upstream of his thumb is 400 kPa. If the hose is held upward, what is the maximum height that the jet
could achieve?
Exercise 1

Water is flowing in a fire hose with a velocity of 1.0 m/s and a pressure of 200000 Pa. At the
nozzle the pressure decreases to atmospheric pressure (101300 Pa), there is no change in
height. Use the Bernoulli equation to calculate the velocity of the water exiting the nozzle.
(Hint: The density of water is 1000 kg/m3 and gravity g is 9.8 m/s2. Pay attention to units!)]

Exercise 2

Through a refinery, fuel ethanol is flowing in a pipe at a velocity of 1 m/s and a pressure of
101300 Pa. The refinery needs the ethanol to be at a pressure of 2 atm (202600 Pa) on a lower
level. How far must the pipe drop in height in order to achieve this pressure? Assume the
velocity does not change. (Hint: Use the Bernoulli equation. The density of ethanol is 789 kg/m3
and gravity g is 9.8 m/s2. Pay attention to units!)
Exercise 3

A large tank open to the atmosphere is filled with water to a height of 5 m from the outlet tap. A tap
near the bottom of the tank is now opened, and water flows out from the smooth and rounded outlet.
Determine the maximum water velocity at the outlet.
Exercise 4

Water flows through a horizontal pipe at a rate of 1 gal/s. The pipe consists of two sections of diameters 4 in
and 2 in with a smooth reducing section. The pressure difference between the two pipe sections is measured
by a mercury manometer. Neglecting frictional effects, determine the differential height of mercury between
the two pipe sections

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