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Styles of Table Services (Part 2)

Lecture no 19
Family Or Compromise Service
⮚This style of service is somewhat a compromise between the Russian and
English styles; that is, some foods are served directly from the kitchen on
individual dishes and some foods are served at the table.
⮚ Compromise service is best used when the group at the table is small, not
more than eight.
Details of the service are as follows:
1. The host serves the main course. Appetizers, salads and desserts are usually served from the
kitchen but may be served at the table if the hostess so desires.
2. This service requires someone to do the serving, preferably a waiter, or some other family
3. Bread and butter plates, salad, accessory food dishes may be on the table when the family is
4. Foods are placed in front of the host and hostess with the service silver.
5. After the main course is finished, the one who is serving rises and removes
all soiled food dishes before another dish is brought in.
6. The final dishes are not removed until the family has left the table.
7. Beverage service is placed before the desserts are brought in.
8. Deftness and reasonable degree of speed without the appearance of
hurrying are desirable in order that extended absence of the hostess from
the table will be minimized.
9. Meals served this style are best limited to two courses.
10. A person who sits to the left of the host may assist in serving items in the
meal to expedite serving.
American or country style
American Or Country Style Service
⮚This is an old type of service involving serving oneself from a common pot.
⮚It is fairly and commonly used for serving family meals or public meals.
Details of the service are as follows:
1. Individual plates at the table are completely laid, including dinner plate.
2. Serving dishes are placed on the dining table.
3. Each serving dish is passed from hand to hand in one direction— until all in
the table have served themselves.
4. Each person serves himself.
5. Someone at the table removes the main course and serves the dessert.
6. Dessert may be brought in from the kitchen in individual portions, it may be
served at a table, or it may be passed around the table.
Apartment Or Blue-plate
Apartment Or Blue-plate Service
• This type of table service is used when the group is small, the table is small, and the area for
dining is small.
• The plates are prepared with a whole main course such as meat, vegetables, and other food
which are placed in a plate divided by ridges.

Details of the service:

1. In this service plates are served up in kitchen and placed on table just before the diners sit
2. Eating begins when the hostess signals.
3. Second portions can be served from the kitchen or offered from serving dishes that are
passed from hand to hand.
4. Removal of the main course and service of dessert are done by some members of the group
at the table.
5. This pattern of service is most frequently used when the group is small, the dining table is
small, and the area for dining is small.
Buffet Service
Buffet Service
⮚ The most used style of meal service for guest meals is buffet service; in fact it is
the only practical service for guest meals in many homes if the number of diners
exceeds six.
Details of the service:
1. A buffet is a dining table or other suitable surface, that will accommodate a stack of
plates and serving dishes of food.
2. Guests are invited to serve themselves at the buffet.
3. Guests dine according to the arrangements of the hostess. There are 3 possibilities in
dining arrangements, namely:
a. Dining may be at the table, which is fully set with all appointments except the
dinner plate.
b. The hostess may provide each guest with a tray that holds plates and beverages
which the guests place on their lap.
c. Guests may sit on chairs and eat from the plate held in the hand or placed on the lap.
4. The menu for a buffet meal must be planned so that the food may be eaten
with ease under the conditions established for dining.
5. There must be plenty of table space on which guests can place the beverage
while they sit on chairs.
Specific Suggestions For Setting The Buffet Table:
6. The buffet table may be covered with a cloth. It may remain bare or it may be
partially covered with runners or mats to introduce color.
7. Flowers or other decorations may be taller and larger in scale.
8. Use dinner plates for the buffet meal.
9. Arrange the dishes in decreasing order of importance in the meal.
10. To expedite service when the group is large, invite someone to assist in
11. Do not enclose the flatware in a napkin.
12. Put glasses of water on a tray or another table. Water should be the last item
in the buffet setting.
Tray Service
Tray service
• It is a style of service that does not make use of the usual dining table but instead dishes and
table appointments are arranged in trays, which are brought to the diner.
• This is the style used in serving patients in hospitals or sending meals for room service.

1. Place a mat of some kind on the tray to keep dishes from sliding.
2. Lay only the flatware required for the main course.
3. Tuck the napkin partially under the main plate or flatware.
4. Use short tumblers. Cups without saucers may be used for beverages.
5. Bread and butter plates or small bowls for salads may be used.
6. Serve the main course on the smallest plate that will accommodate it.
7. Dessert may be included in the tray.

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