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Leadership in Midwifery

Profesionalisme Kebidanan
today’s contents
• importance of leadership in midwifery
• difinition
• leadership model in midwifery practice
let’s take discussion

what the impontance of leadership skill in

midwifery practice?
why leadership?
bachelor program of midwifery graduated

why leadership?
why leadeship
• midwives responsibility and accountability isto ensure the
quality and safety of care for women
• midwife need todevelop critical insight and understanding
of the theory and practice of leadership skill
• leadership as the key aspect of their role
• Leadership is regarded as a process that involves
influence, occurs in a group context and is goal oriented
• leadership as a ‘multifaceted process of identifying a goal
or target, motivating other people to act and providing
support and motivation to achieve mutually negotiated
model of ladership in midwifery
• transformational leadership
• democratic
• Laissez-Faire
• Autocratic
• Servant
Transformational Leadership in Midwifery
• management style that motivates employees to
take ownership for their roles and perform
beyond expectations
• Instead of assigning tasks from the top,
transformational leadership teaches people how to
think rather than just do what they are told.
• called quiet leaders, they lead by example
pros and cont
pros cont
• inspires and motivates employees to • may prove to be ineffective in initial
find better ways of achieving a goal, stages of initiatives or ad-hoc
as these leaders excel at conflict situations
resolution • requires an existing structure so that
• they can mobilize people into groups further development and growth can
that can get work done, raising the occur--> it’s not ideal for brand-new
well-being, morale and motivation organizations
level of a group through excellent
democratic Leadership in Midwifery
• The democratic leadership style welcomes and
encourages input and communication from the team when
making decisions
• Relationships are highly valued by this type of leader
• it’s important to them that their team feels comfortable
and willing to voice concerns, opinions, and ideas
pros and cont
pros cont
• work well to ensure the team feels • can be detrimental to the team when
valued and comfortable speaking up a rapid response is required
• High reliability organizations value • In an environment where adverse
transparency and input from team events and emergencies occur, time
members with the most expertise is of the essence, and democratic
leaders unable to make quick
decisions independently
Laissez-Faire Leadership in Midwifery
• Typically referred to as a “hands-off” approach
• rarely provide direction or feedback to their team, but
rather allow the team to function as they prefer, without
strong supervision. These leaders are not thought of as
strong decision makers.
• These leaders are not thought of as strong decision
pros and cont
pros cont
• does not micromanage or dictate • isn’t necessarily a good fit for the
how their team should function healthcare industry, due to the
constant state of change and need
for quick decision making
• With experienced nurses retiring and
a surge in new nurse onboarding, it’s
becoming increasingly unlikely that
laissez-faire leadership in nursing
will help the team succeed with
being proactive vs. reactive to
patient safety issues
autoratic Leadership in Midwifery
• extremely “hands on” and includes a great deal of
decision making
• comfortable making decisions without input from their
• This type of leader has little tolerance for mistakes.
pros and cont
pros cont
• will be effective in making quick • does not promote trust or
decisions when necessary communication amongst a team, but
• This may serve the team well in instead creates a culture whereby
emergency situations team members’ valuable insights
and knowledge go untapped
• This type of leader stifles
collaborative decision-making and
servant Leadership in Midwifery
• leaders who influence and motivate others by building
relationships and developing the skills of individual team
• leader naturally cares about ensuring each team member
has the resources and tools they need to succeed.
pros and cont
pros cont
• can be extremely beneficial when • not recommended when top-down
leading a multidisciplinary, diverse decisions must be made with the
team goal of quickly aligning the entire
• excel at meeting the needs of team
individual team members
let’s take discussion

which model of leadership that

suitable in midwifery?
thanks for the

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