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Prezentul Simplu exprima actiuni repetate in prezent (activitati de

rutina), obiceiuri si un fapt / o situatie care este mereu adevarat (-a) sau
este valabil (-a) o perioada lunga de timp

Ex: He has coffee for breakfast (repeated action, daily routine)

She works in a bank. (for a longer period of time in the present)

Subiect + verb la prima forma de baza (infinitiv)
La persoana a III-a sg (he, she, it), majoritatea verbelor primesc terminatia –s

WEAR = a purta SPEAK = a vorbi LIVE = a locui, a trai

Pers. I sg: I wear = eu I speak = eu vorbesc I live = eu locuiesc
She speaks = ea vorbeste
port John lives (subst
pers. III sg. He wears = “John” poate fi
el poarta inlocuit cu pron pers
  de pers a III-a sg – he)
Ex: I live – he lives
Forma negativa si forma interogativa
• Forma negativa: Subiect + do / does (pers.III sg) + not + verb 1
Ex: I do not go / He does not go
Do not se prescurteaza don’t: I don’t go (Eu nu merg)
Does not se prescurteaza doesn’t: He doesn’t go (El nu merge)
• Forma interogativa: Do / Does (pers.III sg) + subiect + verb 1?
Do you go to school? (Mergi la scoala?)
Does she work in a hospital?
• Short answers
• Do you…? - Yes, I do / No, I don’t
• Does he…? - Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t
• Do they…? - Yes, they do / No, they don’t
Reguli de constructie a prezentului simplu la pers a III-a sg
• Sunt similare regulilor de formare a pluralului substantivelor
a. Majoritatea verbelor primesc terminatia –s la pers a III-a sg
Ex: I look – he looks
b. Dar verbele terminate in o, x, ss, sh, ch, tch primesc terminatia –es la pers. a III-a
Ex: I go – She goes
I watch –She watches
Obs. “ have” este neregulat: I have – He / She / It has

Conjugarea verbului la prezentul simplu

Forma afirmativa (S + vb. forma 1 / p.III sg S + vb-s)

You (tu / voi) eat  
at 6.30
She eats

Forma negativa (S + don’t / p.IIIsg    

doesn’t + vb la
forma 1)
I don’t    
You (tu / voi)    
eat at 6.30
He doesn’t    
Forma interogativa (Do / p.IIIsg Does + S + vb. la forma 1)
Do we
Does she

When do I eat ?
What time you
What we
  does he / she / it eat ?
Short answers

• Do you have a camera?

Yes, I do / No, I don’t
• Do they have a camera?
Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
• Does he have a camera?
Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.
Adverbe de frecventa si expresii de timp
Adverbe de frecventa Every day/ week/ year = in
(How often?) fiecare zi / saptamana / an
usually = de obicei in the morning (dimineata), in
sometimes = uneori the afternoon, in the evening;
never = niciodata in (the) winter; in July
always = intotdeauna at lunch, at the weekend
often = des at 9 o’çlock, at 6 a.m./ p.m., at
rarely = rar half past seven (7.30)
  on Saturday, on Friday evening
Ex: I always have breakfast at 8 Ex: In the morning I go to
a.m. school. / I go to school in the
She never eats meat morning.
I usually go to bed at about He goes skiing in winter. / In
11.00 winter he goes skiing
We sometimes play football on  
Daily routine (Rutina zilnica)
Activitati de rutina. Expresii

- Have a shower / a bath (p.III sg - Go to the gym/ to the

has) restaurant/ to the cinema
- Have breakfast / lunch / dinner - Go for a walk
- Go to school / to work / to bed - Go shopping
(p.IIIsg goes) - Listen to (the) music
- Go home - Visit my friends
- Leave school / work / my flat - Cook my dinner / my lunch
- Get up  
- Watch TV (p.III sg watches) E.g I have a shower in the
- Read a book morning
- Read the news online You play football on Fridays
- Get dressed He has breakfast at 7 a.m.
- Play football / tennis / the She goes shopping every day
guitar / the piano  

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