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Mind map of SLC

Stage 1: analysis
• This is where the current system is looked at in detail in order to
figure out what changes need to be made to make the new system
better than the old one.
• The systems analyst gathers documents, interviews users of the
current system, observes the system in action, and gathers and
analyzes data to understand the current system and identify new
Stage 2: design
• Once there is a clear list of requirements for the new system it is time
to design (or plan) how it will look and work.
• It doesn't matter what type of system is being created (Web site,
database, payroll etc), it is very important that clear designs are
• The designs for the new system have a lot of thought put into them to
try and reduce faults/errors at a later stage.
• The system analyst develops the specifications that describe how the
system requirements, identified in the analysis phase, will be met
• The analyst answers those questions, sometimes proposing
alternative solutions through a design approach
Stage 3a: development
• System development just means to 'build the system'.
• When stage 1 (analysis) and stage 2 (design) have been completed,
there will be clear lists of requirements and sets of designs that a
developer can follow in order to create a working system.
• If analysis and design have been done properly, the developer should
be able to create a system that works fully and is free of errors.
• System Developer and programmer:
• They will work together and create a program
Stage 3b: testing
• System Developer and programmer:
• While testing, if they find out any bugs, they will fix it and retest it
until there is no bug
Stage 4: implementation
• Implementation just means to 'install' the system ready for use.
• Before the new system can be installed, there are a number of tasks
that must be
• completed.
• These are outlined in the table below:
• Staff training
• Transfer files from existing system to the new system
Stage 5: documentation
• System documentation explains how the system was created and also
how to use it.
• Two sets of documentation are produced for a new system, for the
following reasons:
• Technical documentation
• User documentation
Stage 6: evaluation
• Why is it important to evaluate a system?
• Systems are evaluated in order to determine if:
• The system is doing the job it was designed to do
• The system is working well with minimum errors
• Staff can use the system properly.
• Stakeholders and user:
• While using, if they find any errors, they can report to the company so
the company will fix it
• Leave a review so that other users will read whether to use it or not

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