Local Attraction: Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem

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Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Topic IV

Local Attraction
A Presentation by: BSCE-21
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Local Attraction
Local attraction is the phenomenon by which the magnetic
needle is constantly prevented to point towards the magnetic
north at a place. ... The occurrence of local attraction can be
detected by observing the difference between the fore and back
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Local Attraction

Metallic objects and direct-current electricity,

both of which cause a local attraction, affect the
main magnetic field.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Topic IV

Magnetic Dip
A Presentation by: BSCE-21
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Magnetic Dip
• The magnetic dip is defined as the angle made with
the horizontal by the earth’s magnetic field lines. It is
also known as dip angle or magnetic inclination and
was discovered by Georg Hartmann in the year 1544.
Top. Loc. Mag.
Typ. Sol. Com. Mem.

Magnetic Dip
When the inclination is positive it indicates that the earth’s
magnetic lines are pointing downward in the Northern
Hemisphere and when the inclination is negative it indicates
that the earth’s magnetic lines are pointing upward in the
Southern Hemisphere.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Magnetic dip results from the tendency of a magnet to align itself
with lines of magnetic field. As the Earth's magnetic field lines are
not parallel to the surface:

• the north end of a compass needle will point downward in the

northern hemisphere (positive dip)
• upward in the southern hemisphere (negative dip).
Intro. Unde. Typ. In Or. In Sa. Mem.

Earth’s Magnetic Field

Earth’s Magnet – Angle of Dip
-is angle between intensity of
Earth’s magnetic field B and
Horizon (Surface of Earth).
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

H- Horizontal Earth’s Surface
Horizontal component of Earth’s magnetic field.

Angle of

B Bsin

H= Bcos
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Dip Circle
Dip Circle
- dip circle, also called Dip Needle or Inclinometer is an
instrument for measuring the inclination, or dip, of the Earth's
magnetic field. It consists essentially of a magnetic needle pivoted
at the center of a graduated circle.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Topic IV

Compass Surveys
A Presentation by: BSCE-21
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Compass Surveys
• Compass surveying is the branch of surveying in which the position
of an object is located using angular measurements determined by a
compass and linear measurements using a chain or tape.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Compass Surveys
Compass surveying is used in following circumstances:
 If the surveying area is large, chain surveying is not adopted for surveying rather compass
surveying is employed.
 If the plot for surveying has numerous obstacles and undulations which prevents chaining.
 If there is a time limit for surveying, compass surveying is usually adopted
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Magnetic Compass
Magnetic compass is used to find out the magnetic bearing of survey
lines. The bearings may either measured in Whole Circle Bearing
(W.C.B) system or in Quadrantal Bearing (Q.B) system based on the
type of compass used.
Intro. Unde. Good. In Or. In Sa. Mem.

Magnetic Compass
The basic principle of magnetic compass is if a strip of steel
or iron is magnetized and pivoted exactly at center so that it
can swing freely, then it will establish itself in the magnetic
meridian at the place of arrangement.
Intro. Unde. Good. In Or. In Sa. Mem.

Magnetic Compass
Intro. Unde. Good. In Or. In Sa. Mem.

Surveyors Compass
Surveyor’s compass consists of a circular brass box containing a
magnetic needle which swings freely over a brass circle which is
divided into 360 degrees. The horizontal angle is measured using a
pair of sights located on north – south axis of the compass. They are
usually mounted over a tripod and leveled using a ball and socket
Intro. Unde. Good. In Or. In Sa. Mem.

Surveyors Compass
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

A traverse is a series of consecutive lines whose ends have been marked in the field
and whose lengths and directions have been determined from observations. In
traditional surveying by ground methods, traversing, the act of marking the lines, that
is, establishing traverse stations and making the necessary observations, is one of the
most basic and widely practiced means of determining the relative locations of points.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.

Traverse stations often must be found and reoccupied months or even years after
they are established.

Traverse line— A method of surveying in which the lengths and directions of lines
between points on the Earth are obtained by or from field measurements and used in
determining positions of the points.
Top. Loc. Mag. Sol. Com. Mem.


Aldwen Labial – Leader | Angela Tuazon – Lay-out Artist

Wyvenn Duran – Researcher | Alvin Horserada – Researcher

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