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Partici pl e

• Present Participle
• Past Participle
Present Participle
a decision-making process
dispute-solving mechanism
law-making treaty
English-speaking country
ozone-depleting substances
man-eating man
cigar-smoking man
Present Participle as Adjective

1. Eating person
2. running man
3. big-spending woman
4. racing car
5. swimming suit
6. frying banana
7. drinking water
8. floating restaurant
9. killing machine
10. killing field
11. drawing book
12. filing cabinet
1. I regard the dispute-solving
mechanism in the Arbitration
Act cause injury to the local
business people
man-eating man
International convention
1) In the Ozone Convention, the rarifying state
is not allowed to trade the ozone-eating
substances with the non-ratifying state.
Based on International law, a state must
prevent foreign workers – employing
companies to practice salary discrimination.
In the Diplomatic and Consular
Conventions, the receiving state is
obliged to give protection to the
diplomatic agent of the
sending state.
Advising bank must obtain a
consent from the Issuing bank
before paying the money to the
third party.
Leasing agreement
leasing company
borrowing agreement
Past Participle
The court permits the use of the stolen car
by the victim
Any disputed land is strictly forbiden to be
The EEZ is a kind of a sovereigned right
under international law of the sea.
Cosequently, Any land-locked country has
the legal right to catch fish in the economic
exclssive zone of any coastal state.

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