Task 5 Ahmad Azhami C30121121

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Name : Ahmad Azhami

Class : Ak 4/D
Nim : C-301-21-121
is an active volcano in East Java, Indonesia. It is located in a
subduction zone, where the Indo-Australian plate subducts
 under the Eurasia plate.[2] It is the highest mountain on the
island of Java.

The name "Semeru" is derived from Meru, the central world

Mount Semeru is
mountain in Hinduism, or Sumeru, the abode of gods. This 
one of the most
stratovolcano is also known as Mahameru, meaning "The
popular hiking
Great Mountain" in Sanskrit.
destinations in
Semeru is named after Sumeru, the central world-mountain in Hinduism. As stated in
legend, it was transplanted from India; the tale is recorded in the 15th-century East
Javanese work Tantu Pagelaran. It was originally placed in the western part of the
island, but that caused the island to tip, so it was moved eastward. On that journey,
parts kept coming off the lower rim, forming the mountains Lawu, Wilis, Kelud, Kawi, 
Arjuno and Welirang. The damage thus caused to the foot of the mountain caused it to
shake, and the top came off and created Penanggungan as well. Indonesian Hindus also
hold a belief that the mountain is the abode of Shiva in Java.

Semeru is regularly climbed by tourists, usually starting from the village of

Ranu Pane to the north, but though non-technical, it can be dangerous. 
Soe Hok Gie, an Indonesian political activist of the 1960s, died in 1969
from inhaling poisonous gases while hiking on Mount Semeru.
Semeru's eruptive history is extensive. Since 1818, at least 55 eruptions have been
recorded (11 of which resulted in fatalities) consisting of both lava flows and 
pyroclastic flows. All historical eruptions have had a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of
2 or 3. Semeru has been in a state of near-constant eruption from 1967 to the present.

* From 1818 to 1913 Mount Semeru continued to erupt. However, in that time
span, not much information has been documented.

* Since 1941, information about the eruption of Mount Semeru has been found. This
year the eruption occurred in a radial gap until 1942. The eruption occurred at an
altitude of 1400 to 1775 masl which targeted 6 eruption points.

* The eruption of Mount Semeru occurred again in 1974 to 1994. It did not stop there, Semeru erupted again
in 2002. This year there was an increase in the first series of harmonic tremors from March to June. Until the
end of 2002, eruptions are still happening.
* Then on January 20, 2004. Hot clouds fell into Besuk Bang as far as 2,500 m. On
October 7, hot clouds occurred again with a glide distance of 1000 m to Besuk
Bang. Hot clouds also occurred in November and December 2004 with more

* Eruptions also occurred in 2005, 2007, and 2008. Mount Semeru

erupted again on December 4, 2021, releasing hot clouds up to the
Kobokan Bulk.
An eruption of Mount Semeru, a volcano in the East Java province of the Indonesian island of 
Java, began on 4 December 2021. The eruption began after heavy precipitation caused the
collapse of the lava dome at the summit. Pyroclastic flows and lahars damaged at least 5,205
homes and several public buildings. At least 43 people have died, 104 more are injured, while 13
are unaccounted for.

The eruption is thought to have begun when a lava dome at the summit crater collapsed due to intense
precipitation. A volcanologist at the Bandung Institute of Technology said the eruption debris flow was an
accumulation of material from past eruptions. Heavy rainfall eroded volcanic material on the summit,
destabilizing the lava dome.[14] The collapsed dome triggered a series of pyroclastic flows that traveled down the
slopes of the volcano.[15] According to a report from the geological department of the 
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the plume height may have been as great as 45 km, although there are
claims the height was only 11 km. Investigations are ongoing to determine the plume height.[16] Between the 5th
and 9th of December, eight pyroclastic flows traveled 3 km or more from the peak. The flows traveled in a
southeast direction.

A rescue operation to locate several miners unaccounted for on the afternoon of the eruption is said to begin once
activity on the volcano has decreased. The Deputy Regent of Lumajang said that rescue and recovery efforts
could not be carried out the night before due to difficult access to the affected areas.[80]
Recovery efforts to find victims were hampered after rescuers encountered soil that were still too hot to enter.[81] The
effort to recover missing victims is said to take approximately a week, according to search and rescue members.
Superheated soil and wet conditions slowed progress of recovery.


The Indonesian President Joko Widodo is planning to relocate over 2,000 properties in Lumajang, and rebuilding
other many affected infrastructure, including the main bridge connecting Lumajang to other cities.] He added that
the relocation would take place after recovery efforts were complete in order to prioritize searching for missing
people and treating the injured. The Indonesian government on December 7 is looking into new locations to
resettle displaced residents.Separately, Muhadjir Effendy, the Coordinating Minister for 
Human Development and Cultural Affairs of Indonesia is searching for possibilities to connect Lumajang and
Malang after the eruption severed the Gladak Perak Bridge.

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