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Advice from

College Students
•Is Failure Learning?
•Workplace/Value alignment
•Is Finding a Career a Marathon or Sprint?
•Success in College after Lots of Practice.
•Networking in College.
•What was your path before College?
•How did you find your major?
1) Started at an Entry Level job.
2) My Family or Friends have the
same job.
3) Internship /Job Shadow
4) I did Community Service and it
helped me find my Passion.
5) I asked Friends for Advice
6) I looked up 25 Best Companies
to work for.
7) I like the Employee Benefits.
8) I like the Location of the Job.
9) I took a Career Assessment
10) I found out what I liked to do
in High School.
Finding a good career is a marathon or a sprint?

Finding a
good career

Marathon Sprint
Work Place / Value Alignment

Can you really

find a career
with good
workplace /
alignment or
should settle
for good
enough? Great Work Place / Value Alignment Some Work Place / Value Alignment
Some of each Good enough
Only working for the paycheck
Did you find your career path at SLCC
straight from High School and/or what did
you do first?
Chart Title
Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 7 Person 8

Goto College Get Married Start a Family

Go on a Mission Come Straight from High School
Builds expertise & Sometimes yes and no. You can get good in
understanding so you will less time or never
be ready when a good become good at all.

Does success
opportunity comes along. Depends on your
natural talents and
motivation to learn.

in college Several thousands of hours Yes, after several

of practice. thousands of hours of
practice. Maybe, depends

really come
on your definition of
success. Could be just a
measurable improvement.

after 10K of Practice. Practice. Practice.

And never give up because
nothing gets easier without

Sounds good. Repetition

and room to explore –
includes fails, pitfalls, and
Can you be
successful in
college if you
fail a class? Failure

Yes No

Genuine learning is
When you use Failure leads to
pushing yourself
reflection and learn learning, but it is Not at all
past your limits and
from it. painful.
sometimes you fail.

If we choose to This is how I do the Failure is very

learn from it. most learning. much learning.
Network. Network. Network. What do you
think this means on a College Campus?

Be Be Be Meet

Be engaged but don’t Be open to Be genuine. Meet lots of people

overshare experiences of those • Remember people’s and ask questions.
• Meet people, be kind, do in your career field. names. Be a good Do a job shadow or
your best, and people will Listen, try new ideas, listener. internship
put in a good word for collaborate. • Be nice and appreciative
you. Then you will get
• Ask questions. to EVERYONE. You never
noticed by people you
know when someone’s
want to get noticed by.
help can save you.
Find More
College and
Career Advice &
Resources at our

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