Lagrangian Dynamics: Coordinate System

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Lagrangian Dynamics

 Coordinate system:
The fundamental concept involved in the motion of particle or
system is the position coordinate and how it is changing with

• Types of coordinate system:

1. Cartesian coordinate system.
2. Polar coordinate system.
3. Cylindrical coordinate system.
4. Spherical coordinate system.
 Transformation of Coordinate systems:
System Generalised Transformation Length
coordinates elements
Cartesian x, y, z x dx,
y dy,
z dz

Plane Polar r, θ x=rcosθ dr,

y=rsinθ rdθ

Cylindrical ρ, ϕ, z x=ρ cosϕ dρ,

y=ρ sinϕ ρdϕ,
z=z dz

Spherical r, θ, ϕ X=r sinθ cosϕ dr,

y=r sinθ sinϕ rdθ,
Z=r cosθ rsinθdϕ
Lagrangian dynamics: a

= m (actual force)
Newtonian Mechanics :
1. Not suitable for higher degrees of freedom.
2. Constrained forces are not specified.
3. We don’t know about constrain forces.
Thus we need more generalised mechanics.
Therefore “Lagrangian Mechanics” is also known as “Generalised formalism of
Motion of the system

Unconstrained motion Constrained motion

• No condition. • Lagrangian dynamics.
• Particles are free to move.
• Newtonian mechanics can
Generalised coordinates:
• A set of independent coordinates required to describe the
configuration of system is called as “Generalized Coordinates”.
• Independent means there is no functional relation between
• Time never be include as degrees of freedom.

• The number of generalized coordinates is called as “Degrees of

• Every constrain restricts degrees of freedom.
(x, y, z)
DOF: 3(2) – 1 = 5
DOF = 3(3) – 3 = 6

F = 3(N) – 1
= D(N) - Constrain
Sr. System Degrees of
N0. freedom
1. Hydrogen molecule 5

2. Carbondioxide molecule 7

3. Triatomic molecule 6

4. N particles in free space 3N

5. Simple pendulum 2

6. LHO 2
Generalized velocity:
••  Generalized coordinates:

• { , …………. }
• Generalized velocity:

• { ……….. }
Simple pendulum:
x = lsinθ
y = - lcosθ

= +
Write the expression for generalized velocity:
m  ( =?, =?)

m  ( =?, =?)

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