Questions To Ask Before Buying Health Insurance - Best Health Insurance Buying Guide 2022

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Best Health Insurance Buying Guide 2022 |

How to Choose the Right Health Insurance

Health Insurance Policy का पूरा सच | REALITY of Health Insurance
If my employer is giving me a cover, should I still hold
a policy of my own
Covering parents is costly ?
Should I have them also covered ?
Often Family floater plans are better than buying
separate individual policies
Pre-existing Disease Covered
From Day One?
What is The Waiting Period?
Have You Disclosed Existing Diseases?
Pre & Post Hospitalization for 30 Days & 60 Days
Room Rent Charges Capping?
ICU Charges?
% of Sum Insured
Depending on the Room Rent , accordingly all
hospital charges will change
e.g. Operation charges for patient
Everything will be paid proportionately –
Room Rent Capping/ Actual Room Rent * Expenses
PPN rate is applicable in policy? Is it sufficient ?
•  For some hospitals, the health care charges for health
insurance policyholders are quite higher than the reasonable
rate of treatment. Keeping this in mind, insurance
companies have a Preferred Provider Network (PPN) of
hospitals which agree to work at rationalised rates for
specific procedures.
Free Health Check Up for every 3 claim free years
Who is the TPA?
Who is the TPA?
Reimbursement Claim Settlement Method
Standalone Health Insurer versus General Insurer
No Claim Bonus
- Cumulative Bonus
- Discount on Premium
Co-payment, which means you have to share a part
of the claim
Portability Clause?
IRDA has issued a circular making it effective from 1st October, 2011, which directs the insurance
companies to allow portability from one insurance company to another and from one plan to
another, without making the insured to lose the renewal credits for pre-existing conditions,
enjoyed in the previous policy.
However, this credit will be limited to the Sum Insured (including Bonus) under previous policy.
Discount on Renewal for 2 years

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