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DAN BISNIS 1. EVIYLIA (190412630062)
2. FARIDA ARNI (190412630101)
3. INTAN CHRISTIN INDAH A. (190412630125)
4. IVORY ARUNAI (190412630077)
5. MEY NOVALIYA (190412630004)
6. MICHELLE PAULINA (190412630096)

Typical Steps To
What Does a CEO
Becoming a CEO

The Skills a CEO Needs CEO Saleries And

Job Outlook
What Does a CEO Do???

× A CEO is a company’s highest ranking excecutive
× A CEO has to make many biggest decisions.
× A CEO of a small company may be involved in some of
the mid- to low-level decisions.
× A CEO of a larger company may solely focus on high-
level strategies.
× CEO is also the main liaison between a company’s
operations and its board of directors.
× directors oversees the company as a whole and has the
power to overrule CEO decisions.
Typical Steps To Becoming a CEO
Earn a Bachelor’s Degree
The typical first step toward a career as a CEO
is to obtain a bachelor’s degree. The tasks
essential to successfully running a company
and overseeing its growth require the
development and sharpening of certain skills
and competencies that are fundamentally
shaped at the collegiate level.
Build On The Job Experience
The position of CEO must be worked up to on a
professional level. For those who have earned a
bachelor’s degree, building the on-the-job experience
that’s crucial for corporate ledder, climbing usally stars
with an entry level position. Competencies that are
honed throughout this lon journey are usually related to
management skills,best business pratices, and
important quality leadership that help build a strong
foundation for the success of the CEO.
Earn a Master’s Degree
To achieve the CEO position requires at
work, to gain that experience takes a long
process or even a few years but to shorten the
time in getting the CEO’s degree can go by
obtain an MBA. This advanced title prepping
for business success in various businesses to
jump into all business elements.
The Skills a CEO Needs
× Having a degree and years of managerial
experience are only part of the equation for success
as a CEO.
× A CEO must also possess the fundamental skill.
× A CEO must have strong management skills.
× A CEO must have strong communication skills.
× A CEO must know how to effectively manage their
time to ensure urgent tasks are handled and goals
are met.
CEO Saleries And Job
The job of CEO is a high-pressure, challenging one.
However, it is also one that can be lucrative. According
to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the 2017
median pay for top executives like CEOs is $104,700
per year. The job outlook for the position is projected to
have steady growth. BLS predicts an 8 percent job
growth in the field between now and 2026, which is
consistent with the average profession’s projected job

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