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Once upon a time in a
faraway village, there was a
monkey and a turtle. One day
the turtle was sitting by the
river and saw something in
the water. “Look, what is it?”
the turtle wondered

The monkey and

turtle agreed to get
the tree out of the
When they finally got
the tree out, they saw
that the tree was full of
bananas. “Yum, food”
shouted the monkey.
“I’m happy to share it
with you” answered the

After the two was finished

eating, they decided to
split the tree so they’ll
have a fair share of it.
They took a wood saw
and started cutting the
The monkey thought
that if he planted its
leaves it will grow to a
new tree and will
produce more
bananas for him to eat

So he approached turtle
and said, “I’ll have the
leaves, you can get the
bottom.” “But it’s my tree I
want the top” turtle replied.

The monkey still

took the leaves
and left the roots
of the tree to the
sad turtle.

After a moment, the two

decided to plant the tree
parts that they have. Few
days later monkey’s
plants became wilted
while turtle’s grew into a
huge tree with bananas.
At this point monkey was
so shocked and left

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