Ge Group8

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The duration of class i

s unreasonable.
Group 8
Introduction of the problem
• Situation one : a student like to sleep in the class.

• Situation two: a student who eat lunch at 10:30

• Situation three: a student like playing the mobile pho

ne in the class.
• Q:Is there such a kind of student in your ENG classes
• Professor Danny Hoare: Yep, we have a few sleepy stu
dents, unfortunately! Lots try to play on their phones
• Student 1(English major): To be honest, I am student
one, I always feel tired in the ENG class.
• Student 2(computer science major): My ENG class is a
n online class. It is very easy and common just open t
he live lesson but do other things.
• Q: How do you feel about the duration of ENG class? Do
you think it is reasonable?
• Professor Danny Hoare: As for the duration... I have mixed opini
ons. The class is very long, and I understand that it's very diffic
ult for students to concentrate for so long, but we do have so m
uch we need to cover in classes. The only other alternative woul
d be to have 4 classes a week. That may or may not be better th
an two 2h45m classes each week
• Student 1(accounting major): I don’t think it is reasonable. ENG
class is the most boring and time-consuming class I thnk.
• Student 2(communication major): At the beginning, I could not
bear it. But now I get used to it.
• Teacher and student are hungry

• Low efficiency

• Break the routine balance healthy eating habit

• Bad weather
Science evidence
• Noon snap
• According to science research, there is a “Food Coma”
after people eating. As the result, it will enhance the e
xhaustion of students who need to study for a long ti
• Food coma: “It is usually described as a feeling of 
extreme fatigue or lethargy that can last for several h
ours” (Frey, 2020).
How to solve
• Collect data

• We can collect data about whether the class time is reasonable from teachers and stude
nts in the form of questionnaire, present and compare the data in percentage

• Summary the result

• From the data collected by our group, it can be predicted that most people think th
is time arrangement is not reasonable. Therefore, we can start to solve this matter
How to solve
• Ask advice from professors and students

• Since students and teachers are the subjects most affected by class time, t
heir opinions should be solicited for the adjusted plan and conclude the ti
me period with the highest recognition

• Conclusion our methods

• There are several scenarios. The first is to adjust the class time, as far as p
ossible to avoid the rest and eating time, the second is to reduce the short
and long increase the class, in order to ensure the concentration of class
How to solve
• Talk to the leader

• We can present our suggestions and solutions to the grade repr

esentatives of our students and ask them to help us mediate, o
r we can take the matter directly to the school
1. Extend the opening hours of dining hall one.

2. Divide the two hours and forty-five minutes of ENG c

lass into two periods.

3. Adjust courses time.


• All in all, many students and teachers are confused fo

r the duration of some class. It will disturb our biologi
cal rules and affect the efficiency of class. We propose
shortening the class time and increasing the class tim
e or adjusting the last class time to reduce the disadv
antages. We hope that the school can pay attention to
our proposal and deal with it.
• Thank you for listening.

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