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What Manual Material Handling Is
MMH tasks involve activities such as :
− carrying,
− lifting,
− lowering,
− pushing or moving loads (Deros dkk, 2017)
Ergonomic Risk Assesment :
− Modified Nordic Questionnaire (MNQ) (Deros dkk, 2017)
− Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA) (Deros dkk, 2017)
− NIOSH Lifting Equation (Deros dkk, 2017)
− Liberty Mutual Psychophysical Table-Snook (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− Manual Handling Risk (MAC) (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− Manual Task Risk Assessment (ManTRA) (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− ACGIH-TLV for Low Back Risk (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− Manual Material Handling Task (MHAC) (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− Back Estimate Sample Time (Back-EST) (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
− Key Indicator Method-Manual Handling Operation (KIM-MHO) (Kadikon dan Rahman, 2016)
Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC)
Contoh untuk assessment task
yang bukan termasuk dalam MMH
Contoh untuk assessment task

yang termasuk dalam MMH

Improving The Work Position Of Worker’s Based On Quick Exposure Check Method To Reduce The Risk Of Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (Bidiawati dan Suryani, 2015)
Rancangan Perbaikan Sistem Kerja Dengan Metode Quick Exposure Check Di Bengkel Sepatu X Di Cibaduyut (Ilman dkk, 2013)
NIOSH Lifting Equation
The NIOSH Lifting Equation is a tool used by occupational health and safety professionals to assess the manual
material handling risks associated with lifting and lowering tasks in the workplace

Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) – “Is this weight too heavy for the task?”
Lifting Index – “How significant is the risk”
>1.0 High Risk
<1.0 Nominal Risk
The goal is to design a job/task to be <1.0

RWL = LC (51) x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM
Task variables needed to calculate the RWL:
− H = Horizontal location of the object relative to the body
− V = Vertical location of the object relative to the floor
− D = Distance the object is moved vertically
− A = Asymmetry angle or twisting requirement
− F = Frequency and duration of lifting activity
− C = Coupling or quality of the workers grip on the object
(M stands for Multiplier)
Lifting Index (LI) = Weight : RWL
Additional task variables needed to calculate the LI:
− Average weight of the objects lifted
− Maximum weight of the objects lifted
The RWL and LI can be used to guide lifting task design in the following ways:
1) The individual multipliers that determine the RWL can be used to identify
specific weaknesses in the design.
2) The LI can be used to estimate the relative physical stress and injury risk
for a task or job. The higher the LI value, the smaller the percentage of
workers capable of safely performing these job demands. Thus, injury risk
of two or more job designs could be compared
3) The LI can also be used to prioritize ergonomic redesign efforts. Jobs can
be ranked by LI and a control strategy can be implemented based on a
priority order of the jobs or individual lifting tasks
Step 1 - Measure and Record Task Variables
Step 2 – Enter Data, Calculate RWL & LI
Coupling (C) – Determine the classification of the quality
of the coupling between the worker's hands and the
object as good, fair, or poor (1, 2, or 3). A good coupling
will reduce the maximum grasp forces required and
increase the acceptable weight for lifting, while a poor
coupling will generally require higher maximum grasp
forces and decrease the acceptable weight for lifting.
1 = Good - Optimal design containers with handles of
optimal design, or irregular objects where the hand can
be easily wrapped around the object (box, peti, kayu,dll)
2 = Fair - Optimal design containers with handles of less
than optimal design, optimal design containers with no
handles or cut-outs, or irregular objects where the hand
can be flexed about 90°.
3 = Poor - Less than optimal design container with no
handles or cut-outs, or irregular objects that are hard to
handle and/or bulky ()
Frequency (F) - Determine the appropriate lifting frequency of lifting tasks
by using the average number of lifts per minute during an average 15
minute sampling period. For example, count the total number of lifts in a
typical 15 minute period of time and divide that total number by 15.
Minimum = 0.2 lifts/minute
Maximum is 15 lifts/minute.

Load (L) – Determine the weight of the object lifted. If necessary, use a
scale to determine the exact weight. If the weight of the load varies from
lift to lift, you should record the average and maximum weights lifted.
Duration (Dur) – Determine the lifting duration as classified into one of
three categories: Enter 1 for short-duration, 2 for moderate-duration
and 8 for long-duration as follows:
1 = Short - lifting ≤ 1 hour with recovery time ≥ 1.2 X work time
2 = Moderate - lifting between 1 and 2 hours with recovery time ≥ 0.3 X
lifting time
8 = Long - lifting between 2 and 8 hours with standard industrial rest
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Soal 1

Reno bekerja di suatu toko dari jam 8 – 12 setiap hari dengan tugas memindahkan barang
seperti yang terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 8 kali per menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi
diketahui :
Weight = 5 kg, A origin=0 degree, A destination=45 degree, H origin=45cm, H destination=175
cm V origin=65 cm, V destination=80 cm
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 2

Setyo bekerja di suatu toko dari jam 7-12 setiap hari dengan tugas
memindahkan barang seperti yang terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 2
kali per menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 50 kg, A origin=0 degree, A destination=90 degree, H origin=45cm,
H destination=300 cm, V origin=65 cm, Vdestination=75cm
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 3
Dono bekerja di Pasar Badung dari jam 7
sampai jam 10 setiap hari dengan tugas
memindahkan barang seperti yang terdapat
pada gambar tsb sebanyak 4 kali per menit.
Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 3,5 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=30 degree, H origin=50cm, H
destination=200 cm, V origin=65 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 4
Budi bekerja di toko dari jam 10 sampai jam 12
setiap hari dengan tugas memindahkan barang
seperti yang terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak
4 kali per menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi
diketahui :
Weight = 4 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=60 degree, H origin=50cm, H
destination=150 cm, V origin=55 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 5
Soni bekerja di toko dari pukul 15.00-17.00 setiap
hari dengan tugas memindahkan barang seperti
yang terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 2 kali
per menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi
diketahui :
Weight = 10 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=90 degree, H origin=40cm, H
destination=150 cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 6
Roy bekerja di toko dari pukul 13.00-15.00 setiap
hari dengan tugas memindahkan barang seperti
yang terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 3 kali
per menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi
diketahui :
Weight = 5 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=90 degree, H origin=65cm, H
destination=175cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 7
Steve bekerja dari pukul 16.00-17.00 setiap hari
dengan tugas memindahkan barang seperti yang
terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 5 kali per
menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 7 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=90 degree, H origin=65cm, H
destination=150cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 8
Bryan bekerja dari pukul 17.00-19.00 setiap hari
dengan tugas memindahkan barang seperti yang
terdapat pada gambar tsb sebanyak 2 kali per
menit. Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 30 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=75 degree, H origin=50cm, H
destination=100cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 9
Jarwo bekerja dari pukul 15.00-19.00 setiap hari
dengan tugas memindahkan karet yang akan
dijual seperti yang terdapat pada gambar tsb
sebanyak 2 kali per menit dari tanah ke atas
mobil. Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 100 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=125 degree, H origin=50cm, H
destination=80cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Soal 10
Risang bekerja di Pasar Badung dari jam 7 sampai
jam 10 setiap hari dengan tugas memindahkan
barang seperti yang terdapat pada gambar tsb
sebanyak 1 kali per menit dari gudang ke atas
truk. Setelah dilakukan observasi diketahui :
Weight = 50 kg, A origin=0 degree, A
destination=50 degree, H origin=50cm, H
destination=100 cm, V origin=0 cm, V
Carilah nilai RWL origin, RWL destination, LI
origin, dan LI destination nya
Deros, B. M dkk. 2017. Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Manual Material Handling at An
Automotive Manufacturing Company. PressAcademia Procedia. 317-324. DOI:
Kadikon dan Rahman. 2016. Manual Material Handling Assessment Tool for Assessing Exposure
to Risk Factor of Work- Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Review. Journal of Engineering
and Applied Sciences. 11 (10): 2226-2232
Shahu, R. 2016. The NIOSH Lifting Equation for Manual Lifting and Its Applications. Journal of
Ergonomics. Vol. 6. Issue 2.
Tarwaka, Bakri, Sudiajeng, L. 2004. Ergonomi Untuk Keselamatan Kesehatan Kerja dan
Produktivitas. Surakarta. UNIBA Press.2004

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