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Chapter 3

Asking for
Future Plan
Kompetensi Dasar KD 3.3 and KD 4.3

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait rencana yang akan datang dengan kondisi tertentu,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.
What’s on this chapter?

Information to

Asking for future plan

( future plan and
conditional sentence )

Renato ga

Asking about
future plan

Talking about
future plan Mkd/flickr
Information to share
• Intention is a noun.
• Intention is something that you want or
plan to do.
• Intention can be expressed in different
– I will visit some Asian countries.
– I am going to learn many languages.
– I would like to improve my Japanese.
Asking About Plans

• What are you going to do?

• What will you do in 5 minutes?
• What would you like to do during your long
• Do you have any plans for this weekend?
• What do you intend to do next?
• Is it your intention to go home early?
Stating Plans

• When I meet him, I will give him a special

• I’m going to describe it briefly.
• I will visit some museums in Central Java.

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Hiding Plans

• I’ve got no particular plan in mind.

• I’ll never tell.
• That’s for me to know and you to find out.
• You’ll see.
• It’s a secret.

y Intern
A. Real Conditional Sentence ( Conditional
Sentence Type 1 )
Real conditional clause is used to show a
definite possibility of what is going to happen
in the future with or because of certain
condition. The conditional clause or if-clause
can also be used to state the possibility
related to the execution or implementation of
a plan.
The sentence can be constructed by combining a
simple future tense with an if clause written in
present tense.

If ( simple present tense ), ( simple future tense )

( simple future tense ) if ( simple present tense )

To compose it correctly, we need to understand

both we use. Study their patterns !
Tense / Form : (+) positive, (-)
negative, ( ? ) interrogative
Simple Present Simple future
They/We/I/You + V-1 ( + ) S + Will + V-1 ( + )
He/She/It + V-s/es

They/We/I/You + do + not + V-1 S + Will + Not + V-1 ( - )

He/She/It + does + not + V-1

Do + They/We/I/You + V-1 + ? Will + S + V – 1 + ?

Does + He/She/It + V-1 + ?
Example :
- We will not go to anywhere if
pandemic doesn’t stop.
- If you open your mind, you will
see many views.
- If this pandemic ends soon, we
will have a vacation.
Future Plan
When talking about future, we
can use auxiliary verb “going
to”, present continuous, and
even simple present tense.
However, we mostly use future
tense to talk about it.
1. Asking about future plan
- What will you do next ?
- What are you going to do next ?
- Will you…….?
2. Talking about future plan
- I will jog in the city park
- I am going to continue my study
- My next plan is…… ( V-ing )
Let’s Practice
Task 3

Compose real conditional sentences using the provided set

of words !

1. get scholarship / continue study abroad

2. save enough money / buy a car
3. not pay attention / get angry
4. can play musical instrument / join the orchestra
5. have time / travel Irlandia
Let’s Practice

Circle the correct form of the verb !

1. If I ( do / does ), I will improve my English

2. Peggy will go shopping if she ( has / have ) time in the
3. If I ( have / had ) time, I will join a French course.
4. If mother ( goes / go ) to Jepara, she will buy some
carved objects
5. If my sister ( plan / plans ) to stay overnight, I will
prepare a room for him.
Thank You !

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