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VERB to be (am, is, are) - statements

you, we, they - are he, she, it - is

They are good. She is good.

Вони гарні. Вона гарна.

I - am he, she, it - is

I am hungry. She is hungry.

Я голодний. Вона голодна.

he, she, it - is you, we, they - are

It is bad. You are bad.

Це погано. Ти поганий.
you, we, they - are he, she, it - is
We are small. It is small.

Ми маленькі. Вона маленька.

I - am he, she, it - is

I am hot. He is hot.

Мені спекотно. Йому спекотно.

he, she, it - is you, we, they - are

He is cold. We are cold.

Йому холодно. Нам холодно.

you, we, they - are I - am

We are clean. I am clean.

Ми чисті. Я чистий.
you, we, they - are I - am

You are big. I am big.

Ти великий. Я великий.
you, we, they - are he, she, it - is

They are at home. It is at home.

Вони вдома. Це вдома.

he, she, it - is you, we, they - are

She is a pupil. We are pupils.

Вона учень. Ми учні.

you, we, they - are I - am

They are fat. I am fat.

Вони товсті. Я товстий.

you, we, they - are he, she, it - is

They are at school. She is at school.

Вони у школі. Вона у школі.

I - am he, she, it - is

I am happy. She is happy.

Я щасливий. Вона щаслива.

you, we, they - are I - am

You are dirty. I am at dirty.

Ти брудний. Я брудна.
he, she, it - is you, we, they - are

It is new. They are new.

Він новий. Вони нові.

you, we, they - are I - am

We are old. I am old.

Ми старі. Я стара.
you, we, they - are he, she, it - is

You are sad. He is sad.

Ти сумний. Він сумний.

I - am he, she, it - is

I am strong. He is strong.

Я сильний. Він сильний.

he, she, it - is you, we, they - are

He is weak. You are weak.

Він слабкий. Ви слабкий.

you, we, they - are you, we, they - are

They are beautiful. We are beautiful.

Вони красиві. Ми красиві.

VERB to be (= am, is, are)


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