Data Structures and Algorithms: CS3007 CEN2018

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Data Structures and

Dr. Mussadiq Abdul Rahim
About the Instructor
• PhD in Computer Science and Technology from Beijing Institute of
Technology, China.
• Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science at NUTECH.
• For any concern regarding this course you may reach via email or may
visit office during office hours.
• Email:
• Office: CS Faculty Offices, Level-4, Academic Block.
About the Course
• Pre-requisite Course -- CS2005 Object Oriented Programming / CEN
2016 Object Oriented Programming
• We aim to learn to
• Show how data structures are represented in the computer,
• Identify linear and nonlinear data structures,
• Manipulate data structures with basic operations,
• Compare different implementations of the same data structure,
• Perform complexity analysis of algorithms,
• Implement multiple algorithms of different types such as sorting algorithms,
tree-based algorithms, and
About the Course
• We aim to learn
• Different data structures such as stacks, queues, link lists, and other.
• Tree and graph based algorithms.
• Analyze algorithms in terms of complexities.
• The programming language for this course is C++.
• The textbook followed in this course is
• Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Mark Allen Weiss (fourth ed.)
• The additional reference books for this courses are
• Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Adam Drozdek
• Data Structures using C by Aaron M. Tenenbaum et al.
About the Course
• Online reference for C++
• C++ Language,
• Microsoft C++ Language Reference,
• Online C++ compiler
• Multiple available, use for practice outside class only.
Tips for effective learning
• Keep your phones on silent.
• Keep discussions out of the classroom.
• Be punctual. The class attendance will be called out at any moment
during class.
• Don’t need to ask for leaving the classroom for any urgent matter or
personal call, leave and return quietly without any unnecessary
• Question freely about the content of lecture. Questions regarding
topic are encouraged.
Rules and guidelines
• There is a 20% deduction for late submission. The deduction becomes
50% if the submission is one-day late. No credit is given after two days.
• Do not recycle code from the Internet. Write your own, if you wish
success in this course.
• Identify yourself–Name, student ID, assignment number, Course Code
and Batch.
• Comment everything–Logic of your program. Purpose of variables, data
structures, functions, and classes.
• Naming style–For example, use lowercase for variables and uppercase
for constants.
Rules and guidelines
• Indentation–4 or 8 spaces of indentation
• Simplicity
• Read after your write, if you can’t read it, discard.
• Avoid multiple nesting of ifs, be smart use conditional operators.
• Functions must be reasonably short, use logic.
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Week # 1: Overview/Revision of
Object Oriented Programming In
Primitive data types
Type Size (Bytes) Data
char 1 Character
short 2 Integer
int 4 Integer
float 4 Real
double 8 Real
long 8 Real
C++ and OOP
• An lvalue is an expression that identifies a non-temporary object.
• An rvalue is an expression that identifies a temporary object or is a
value (such as a literal constant) not associated with any object.
• As a general rule, if you have a name for a variable, it is an lvalue,
regardless of whether it is modifiable.
• In C++11, an lvalue reference is declared by placing an & after some
• string str = "hell";
• string & rstr = str; // rstr is another name for str
• rstr += ’o’; // changes str to "hello"
C++ and OOP
• In C++11, an rvalue reference is declared by placing an && after some
type. An rvalue reference has the same characteristics as an lvalue
reference except that, unlike an lvalue reference, an rvalue reference
can also reference an rvalue (i.e., a temporary).
• string & bad1 = "hello"; // illegal: "hello" is not a modifiable lvalue
string & bad2 = str + ""; // illegal: str+"" is not an lvalue
string & sub = str.substr( 0, 4 ); // illegal: str.substr( 0, 4 ) is not an lvalue

• string && bad1 = "hello"; // Legal

string && bad2 = str + ""; // Legal
string && sub = str.substr( 0, 4 ); // Legal
C++ and OOP
• lvalue references use #1: aliasing complicated names
• auto & whichList = theLists[ myhash( x, theLists.size( ) ) ];
• lvalue references use #2: range for loops
• for( auto & x : arr ) // works
• lvalue references use #3: avoiding a copy
• auto & x = findMax( arr );
C++ and OOP
• To see the reasons why call-by-value is not sufficient as the only
parameter-passing mechanism in C++, consider the three function
declarations below:
• double average( double a, double b ); // returns average of a and b
void swap( double a, double b ); // wrong parameter types
string randomItem( vector<string> arr ); // inefficent
• void swap( double & a, double & b ); // correct parameter types
• With this signature, a is a synonym for x, and b is a synonym for y.
• Changes to a and b in the implementation of swap are thus changes to x
and y. This form of parameter passing has always been known as call-by-
reference in C++.
C++ and OOP
• A pointer variable is a variable that stores the address where another
object resides. It is the fundamental mechanism used in many data
• For instance, to store a list of items, we could use a contiguous array,
but insertion into the middle of the contiguous array requires
relocation of many items.
• m = new IntCell( ); // OK
• m = new IntCell{ }; // C++11
• m = new IntCell; // Preferred
C++ and OOP
• Syntax for pointers to declare, initialize, access a member, and delete
the allocated object
• IntCell *m; //declare a pointer
• m = new IntCell{ 0 }; //create an object with a value
• m->write( 5 ); //access a member function
• delete m; //delete the runtime allocated object
• When an object that is allocated by new is no longer referenced, the
delete operation must be applied to the object (through a pointer).
Otherwise, the memory that it consumes is lost (until the program
C++ and OOP
• When an object that is allocated by new is no longer referenced, the
delete operation must be applied to the object (through a pointer).
• Otherwise, the memory that it consumes is lost (until the program
terminates). This is known as a memory leak.
• One important rule is to not use new when an automatic variable
can be used instead.
C++ and OOP
• A class in C++ consists of its members.
• These members can be either data or functions.
• The functions are called member functions.
• Each instance of a class is an object. Each object contains the data
components specified in the class.
• A member function is used to act on an object. Often member
functions are called methods.
C++ and OOP
• A member that is public may be accessed by any method in any class.
• A member that is private may only be accessed by methods in its
• Typically, data members are declared private, thus restricting access
to internal details of the class, while methods intended for general
use are made public. This is known as information hiding or
C++ and OOP
• A constructor is a method that describes how an instance of the class
is constructed.
• If no constructor is explicitly defined, one that initializes the data
members using language defaults is automatically generated.
• Default constructor is used to initialize member data with initial
values. Default parameters can be used in any function, but they are
most commonly used in constructors.
• Parameterized constructor is used to initialize member variables
through parameters or allocate storage.
C++ and OOP
• You should make all one-parameter constructors explicit to avoid
behind-the-scenes type conversions.
• explicit IntCell( int initialValue = 0 ):storedValue{ initialValue } { }
• IntCell obj3 = 37; // Constructor is explicit
• If the constructor is not made explicit then the implicit conversions
will result in hard to find bugs.
C++ and OOP
• Copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object
of the same class, which has been created previously. The copy constructor is used to −
• Initialize one object from another of the same type.
• Copy an object to pass it as an argument to a function.
• Copy an object to return it from a function.
• Example
• IntCell( const IntCell & rhs ); // Copy constructor
• A member function that examines but does not change the state of its object is an
accessor or a getter function.
• By default, all member functions are mutators. To make a member function an
accessor, we must add the keyword const after the closing parenthesis that ends the
parameter type list.
Reading Assignment
• Text Book: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

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