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Group 6

The Influence of Advertisement and

Some Examples of Consumer Demands

Presented by:
Hasri Lathifah Ekaputri 23020119130044
Amelia Ayu Andini 23020119140039
Christina Odilia 23020119120003
Shilni Aunika 23020119130097
Alisya Ghina Belinda 23020119140102
Mochamad Wildan 23020119130130
Advertisement Consumer Demand

1 Definition of advertisement 1 Primary Demands

2 Purpose of advertisement 2 Secondary Demands

3 Function of advertisement 3 Tertiary Demands

Psychological aspects of advertising

Advertisement is a form of presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods or services that are
financed by a certain non-personal sponsor.
Definition of
Advertisements According to Great Dictionary of the Indonesian
Language (KBBI):
Advestisement is messages to encourage, persuade
the general public to be interested in the products
and services offered
Purpose of Advertisements

Main purpose: attract consumer interest

Form of communication with interesting and unique images and text used to
describe the products offered to the general public
Provide the consumers the reason why they should buy the advertised products

Influence consumers not only to buy but to keep repurchasing and ultimately
developing brand loyalty

Encourage public to eat healthy food, as an example; functional food

Function of Advertisements

Information Value added

function function

Persuasion function
- Nutrition Claims
- Health claims
Based on the regulation PerKBPOM RI No. 13 (2016)
about The Supervision of Claims on Labels and C la im s o f
1 n t en t
Advertisements of Processed Food (Pengawasan Klaim nu t r i e n t c o
pada Label dan Iklan Pangan Olahan), claims on
processed food labels include:
• Nutritional Claims
a. Claims of nutrient content 2
b. Nutritional comparison claims
• Health Claims C la i m o t h e
a. Claim the function of nutrients f u n ct i o n s
b. Claim other functions 3
c. Claims for reduced risk of disease Cl a i m
• Other claims f u nc t i o
n of
a. Isotonic claims nu tr i e n
B. Claim without adding sugar
c. Lactose claims
d. Gluten claims
Psychological Aspects of Advertising

Psychologically, advertisements can affect consumer

Psychologically is one of the factors that arise from within
behavior. This is due to:
the consumer that influences a purchasing decision.
• Attracting attention
Maintain the attention of prospective consumers to the
Psychological factors are a way used to recognize their
products are presented so as not to turn to anything else.
feelings, gather and analyze information, formulate
• Provide a suggestion value
thoughts and opinions in taking action. A person's
Provides emotional stimulation, lowers the critical
purchasing choices are influenced by four main
power of the consumer's thinking.
psychological factors, namely motivation, perception,
• Motivate potential customers
knowledge, beliefs and attitudes.
Content in advertisements in accordance with the
motivation give prospective consumers and
encouragement to buy the product.

Consumers of course do not only want food products that can

provide a feeling of fullness and taste delicious, but have
nutritional value which of course will be very beneficial for
the body. Thus, consumer demands for food are increasingly
Primary Demands
Primary demands include the primary function of
functional food. Functional food is known to have a
primary function to meet individual nutritional and
nutritional needs according to age, body weight, daily
activity, and gender. Consumers will prefer food
products that provide benefits to the body.
Secondary Demands
The second thing that becomes a consumer's consideration in choosing food is sensory, like it or not
so that the sensory of food becomes the main demand of consumers in choosing food products. if the
appearance and sensory are not in accordance with the wishes of the community, then consumers will
not be interested in these food products, these products will be rejected by consumers

Thus, it can be concluded that the demands for the secondary function of food are very varied because
basically human tastes are very diverse. As producers, they must be able to produce a variety of
products, and consumers can choose products according to their tastes.
Tertiary Demands

Nowadays, consumers choose food not only to fulfill their

energy needs, delicious taste, filling, attractive appearance,
but also have started to pay attention to the potential
physiological activity of the components which contains on
The tertiary demand of functional food
its food. This statement related to tertiary demands of
means that the food can maintain consumer
consumers on functional food, namely consumers get
health, reduce the occurrence of a disease,
physiological functions for their bodies which are obtained
and maintain the body’s metabolism.
when consuming functional food.
Functional food consumed in the form of
processed food, not in the form of capsules,
tablets, powder or pills.

Advertisements are messages to encourage, persuade the general public

to be interested in the products and services offered that are posted in
mass media such as newspapers and magazines, electronics, or in public
places. Advertisements can encourage the public to eat healthy food as
an example functional food is known as food that provides additional
benefit, with advertisements the public will be interested and buy the
product. Advertisement has several functions, that are information
function, persuasion function and value added function. Consumer
demands are based on functional food functions, such as primary
demands, secondary demands and tertiary demands.
Thank you!
Have a
g re a t d a y
ah e a d .

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