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Course Details Introduction to

Week Lecturer

1 Rumayya, SE.,MRegDev., Ph.D.

2-7 Fithriyah, Ph.D
8-13 M. Khoirul Mubin, SE., M.Sc
14 Rumayya, SE.,MRegDev., Ph.D.
Course Description
This course is a basic course to deliver a first level students to
understanding the economic theory in further. In generals, materials
that will be discussed are: the measurement of economic activity, a
balance of national income in a closed and open economu, the basic
concept of demand and aggregate supply, unemployement and
inflation, and theories of economic growth.
Learning Objective
Students are able to explain the integrated macro economic outlook, able to
explain the behavior and relationships between macroeconomic variables in the
model, and able to use macroeconomic models to analyze the symptoms or
macro economic phenomena
Expected Learning Outcome
1. Able to analyze the various elements of theories, paradigms,
principles, and economic concepts correctly
2. Able to analyze problems, phenomena and economic policies
through the data interpretation and relevant information
3. Able to apply quantitative tools for economic analysis and able to
demonstrate skills of numeracy, computer and the other
information technology in the context of solving the problem in
accordance with the development of technology
4. Able to produce scientific papers tested and able to communicate
the results both orally and in writing
EXAM [MID (40%) + FINAL (40%)]
Course Plan
Final Expected Capabilities at each stage of learning (Sub-Achievements
Study Material
Week to subject)
(C, A, P)
1 2 3
1 Able to understand the concept and basic theory of macroeconomics and the General description of macroeconomics:
correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market.  Macroeconomics objective
 Macroeconomics data

2-3 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Measure of economic activity:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  GDP and calculation
 GDP components
 GDP Nominal vs Riil

4-6 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Closed economy:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Consumption
 Infestation
 Equilibrium national income and multiplier concept
 Government policy in multiplier concept

7 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Money and financial system:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Money and history
 Money creation mechanism and money multiplier concept
 Monetary policy and mechanism

Course Plan…cont.
8 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Open market:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Export, import and affecting factors
 Exchange rate concept
 National income equilibrium and multiplier concept
9-10 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Business cycle:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Business cycle concept
 Aggregate demand
 Aggregate supply
 Fiscal and monetary effect
11-12 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Unemployment and inflation:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Unemployment concept and measure
 Money growth and inflation
 Trade of unemployment and inflation

13-14 Able to understand the concept and the basic theory of macroeconomics and Economic Growth:
the correlation between macroeconomics variables in open and closed market  Basic theory of economic growth
 Developing economic challenge

Samuelson Paul A. and Nordhaus William D. 2010, Economics, 19e,
McGraw-Hill, New York (A)
Mankiw Gregory N. 2015, Principles of Economics, 7e, Thomson.
South Western, USA (B)

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