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D10K-6C01 Pengolahan Citra

PCD-08 Image Compression

Program Studi S-1 Teknik Informatika

FMIPA Universitas Padjadjaran
Semester Genap 2015-2016
Image Compression Overview
• Images take a lot of storage space
– 1024 x 1024 x 32 x bits images requires 4 MB
– suppose you have some video that is 640 x 480 x
24 bits x 30 frames per second , 1 minute of video
would require 1.54 GB
• Many bytes take a long time to transfer slow
connections – suppose we have 56,000 bps
– 4MB will take almost 10 minutes
– 1.54 GB will take almost 66 hours

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Research Opportunity
Storage problems

the desire to exchange images over the Internet

have lead to a large interest research in

image compression algorithms.
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Goal of Image Compression
• The goal of image compression is to reduce
the amount of data required to represent a
digital image.

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• Lossless
– Information preserving
– Low compression ratios

• Lossy
– Not information preserving
– High compression ratios

• Trade-off: image quality vs compression ratio

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Data ≠ Information
• Data and information are not synonymous terms!

• Data is the means by which information is


• Data compression aims to reduce the amount of

data required to represent a given quantity of
information while preserving as much information
as possible.

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Example: Data and Information
• The same amount of information can be represented by
various amount of data
• Examples

– Your wife, Helen, will meet you at Logan Airport in Boston at 5

minutes past 6:00 pm tomorrow night

– Your wife will meet you at Logan Airport at 5 minutes past 6:00
pm tomorrow night

– Helen will meet you at Logan at 6:00 pm tomorrow night

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Compression Ratio


Compression ratio:

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Flow of Image Compression
Original Image Decoded Image

Encoder 0101100111... Decoder

• The image file is converted into a series of binary data,

which is called the bit-stream
• The decoder receives the encoded bit-stream and
decodes it to reconstruct the image
• The total data quantity of the bit-stream is less than
the total data quantity of the original image

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Measuring Performance
• Compression Ratio: Cr 
W 1 H 1

   f ( x, y)  f '( x, y)

• Root Mean square error: RMSE 

x 0 y 0


• Peak signal to noise ratio: PSNR  20 log 10

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Q=100% Q=50% Q=25%

Q=10% Q=1%
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Tabel Komparasi
100 83,261 2.6:1 Extremely minor artifacts
50 15,138 15:1 Initial signs of subimage artifacts
25 9,553 23:1 Stronger artifacts; loss of high resolution
10 Severe high frequency loss; artifacts on
4,787 46:1 subimage boundaries ("macroblocking") are
1 Extreme loss of color and detail; the leaves are
1,523 144:1
nearly unrecognizable

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