Psda: Interviewing Managers and Their Different Approaches of Management

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Interviewing Managers And

Their Different Approaches
of Management
PSDA Group Members

• Pranav Behki
• Chaintanya Pal
• Aditya Puri
• Aman Vijay
What is your management style?
• A good manager should always give clear directions to their employees and
must have a sense of leadership.
• Hence in my opinion a manager should follow democratic management style.
• He/she must take opinions from employees by involving them in decision
making but take all the important decision themselves, thus giving employees a
sense of motivation.
• A manager must know how to maintain a professional environment at
workplace and also at the same time have a good manager-employee
How do you keep your employees motivated?
A successful manager always encourages participation in decision making,
recognizing their efforts and by giving them financial and non-financial
A flexible work schedule also helps to maintain a good work / life balance .
When employees start doubting their abilities give them personal feedback
and get to personally know the employee.
Having regular meetings to discuss the concerns of the employees and
resolving them from time to time.
How do you communicate effectively with
your team?
To effectively communicate with your team, you must create a receptive atmosphere,
ensure that you display confidence and seriousness.
In open meetings one must discuss the topics by sharing a presentation as this helps
them to visualise the topic and creates a room for better comprehension.
All the formal and official communications should take place through email.
Encourage all the members to participate in open meetings and encourage their views.
Stand in a meeting, have a good posture, make eye contact, listen to members as
communication is a two way street.
Provide all the necessary documents prior to the meeting so that the members are not
clueless of what is going to be discussed in the meeting.
On what basis do you set goals for
o Each employee goal should be a part of the organizational goal set by the
manager. This benefits the company as well as the employee.
o Goals set should be clear and specific as much as possible, the transparency
gives a sense of security to employees that their personal goals are also
o A well defined goal should be realistic.
o A goal should be relevant which is aligning with the company as well as the
o Employees who work hard should be recognized when they reach the goal. For
example, Manager can reward them by giving them a bonus.
How do you create a calm atmosphere in a
stressful situation?
Always stay positive in a stressful situation, don’t overthink as this would give
you some negative thoughts.
Have a talk with your best friend as some times unbiased suggestions are the
best as while in a stressful situation one loses the ability to think through the
One must know how to cope up and overcome these situations as these may
arise while working. Do stress buster activities, staying stressed for a longer
periods of time affect your physical as well as mental health.
Control your emotions, communicate with respect even when you disagree with
someone, apologize if you have made a mistake, move on.
How do you reward your employee for
excellent performance?
Feature employee of the month on company blogs and newsletter.
Host parties, plan holidays after top organizational goals are achieved by
the employees within the given time period.
Send the best performing employees on international tours for work.
Cover their commuting costs.
Distribute Certificate of Excellence among top performing employees.
Give them two three days off from work.
Give them monetary incentive.
How to deal with a difficult employee?
 Identify the cause of the problem, as a manger it is his/her duty to understand
the problem and resolve it.
 A manager must be open to feedback, sometimes a person just needs
someone to listen and understand them.
 Don’t be rude, this would worsen the situation. Stay calm, show them respect
and maintain a professional work environment.
 Be transparent with that employee, communicate clearly and give them a
chance to improve their behaviour.
 Monitor their progress, motivate them and still if they don’t improve fire
them from the company.
How do you manage conflicts between your
o Speak to all the team members individually who are involved in the
o Be fair and unbiased, make sure the topic of the conflict is not diverted.
o Give every person an opportunity to present their perspective.
o Be patient while solving the conflict and control your emotions.
o Be proactive in the conversation and carefully observe the body language,
facial expressions and tone of voice of each person involved in the conflict.
o Draw up and follow the plan to ensure that the conflict is resolved and
everyone is satisfied with the solution.
Thank You

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