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Print Production Planning

Analyse of Other Album Prints

Radiohead ‘OK Computer’
Blueprint emphasises meticulous planning and White background alongside plain
Isolation genre specific
the aspect of building and growth- which font emphasises authenticity of the
but also growth and life
reinforces their passion for the music they are band and the music, not hiding
creates same effect as
creating and for their authenticity as a band. behind any sort of flashy image
the blueprint

the scribbles)
, alongside
cynicism and

Use of scribbles represents

Handwriting reinforces the connection Scrapbook effect connotes evasion from popular, sleek
abstract aspect of the bands
between the band and the audience via and perhaps soulless modern music, creates same effect
music, the shift to this from
lyrics and the album, idea of authenticity to as handwriting.
motorway represents escapism
reward a loyal audience
from the mundane aspects of life
Strokes ‘Is This It’ and ‘Room On Fire’
The Von Bondies ‘Love Hate and
Then There’s You’
Use of the black
creates image of
despair, eeriness

The font is decrepit

and unsettling, hints Imagery of bottle
at teenage angst symbolises excess, self-
which is emphasised destruction
by the genre

Use of colour imagery

with the red hints at
danger, passion, a
sense of high octane
which is within the
image of the genre,
separation of the word
‘hate’ hints at angst and
despair whilst the
actual title, love, hate Empty space, isolation,
and then there's you eeriness and timeless, hints
hints at confusion and at the Shining (horror) with
disorientation the use of the typewriter
Analyse of Other Album Formats
Spiritualised ‘Ladies and Gentlemen
We Are Floating In Space’

Artificial, cerebral,
thoughtful concept album:
genre specific with
progressive rock

Original, innovating Each single comes

design as a CD, as you
progress through
the album- you
progress through
the packaging,

Intellectual flattery for fans Due to the context of the albums release (the lead singer was
renounced for heavy drug use) it explains the medicinal concept
of the album: rewarding to loyal fans as he bares all of himself
within the concept.
Individual CD Planning
Possible Fonts
Fitting for the rock n roll genre; the font in
itself is simple enough to convey the
simplicity of the music: straight three chord
rock, whilst the worn look emphasises the
aspects of excess. The font is similar to
those of the albums from The Strokes and
The Von Bondies which have been analysed

Bold and simple, genre specific and not

hiding behind any sort of image.

Slightly offset distances between

letters, connotations of disorder,
genre specific. Slightly worn
lining emphasises excess and
roughness: linking with genre.

Similar to the front at the top, but

more masculine and suitable to the
Rough Sketch
This sketch will be
accompanied with photos of
the band which, in
corresponding with our music
video, will be pictures of my
group and I. This may be the
same case with the front
• Taking inspiration from the
rock-n-roll characteristic of
excess, my CD has taken
inspiration from RIZLA
packet for containing the
lyrics of the title song, which
will be pulled from the
packet much like a rolling
paper from the packet.

These are the images that will go alongside the leaflet

in the upper part of the inner CD.

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