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1. Muhamad Dzikri (20020047)

2. Atshyfa Putri Azzahra (20020020)
3. Iroh Musfiroh (20020057)
4. Ahmad Nurul Hakim (20020014)
5. Pegi Friyanto (20020059)

Simple future tense digunakan untuk menyatakan

kegiatan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di masa yang
akan datang. Kegiatan/kejadian tersebut belum
dilakukan/terjadi pada saat kita menyatakannya. Untuk
mengungkapkan kegiatan/kejadian seperti itu kita dapat
menggunakan “will” atau “be going to”.
Will dan be going to

Bila kita membuat prediksi (pernyataan

tentang sesuatu yang kita pikirkan akan
terjadi di waktu yang akan datang), kita bisa
menggunakan “will” maupun “be going to”,
misalnya :
•It will be rain this evening
•It is going to rain this evening
Sementara itu, kita hanya dapat memakai be going to bila ingin
menyatakan sesuatu yang kita rencanakan sebelumnya. Artinya, kita
bermaksud melakukannya di waktu yang akan datang karena di waktu
lampau kita sudah membuat rencana atau keputusan untuk
melakukannya, misalnya :
A : What do you want to do after you finish your university ?
B : I am going to continue my study

Sedangkan bila kita membuat janji dan penawaran yang berhubungan

dengan masa yang akan datang, kita cukup menggunakan will.

(+)S + will + V1
(+)S + be + going to + V1
Example :
• Reza will meet Alvin tomorrow.
• Dave will take Management major in college.
• Mario is going to pick me up tonight.
• Ari and Andi are going to swim the day after tomorrow.
• Lervia is going to make a birthday cake for her mother next
(-) S + will + not + V1
(-) S + be + not + going to + V1
Example :
• Reza will not meet me tomorrow.
• Dave will not take Management major in college.
• Mario is not going to pick me up tonight.
• Ari and Andi are not going to swim the day after tomorrow.
• Lervia is not going to make a birthday cake for her mother
next month.
“Yes or No” Question

Will + S + V1
Be + S + going to + V1

Example :
• Will Reza meet me tomorrow ?
• Will Dave take Management major in college ?
• Is Mario going to pick me up tonight ?
• Are Ari and Andi going to swim the day after tomorrow ?
• Is Lervia going to make a birthday cake for her mother next
month ?
“Wh” Question

Wh + will + S + V1
Wh + Be + S + going to + V1

Example :
• When will Reza meet me ?
• When is Mario going to pick me up ?
• When are Ari and Andi going to swim ?
• What major will Dave take in college ?
• What is Lervia going to make for her mother next month ?

(+) S + will + be + A/N/A

(+) S + is + going to + be + A/N/A

Example :
• Yudi will be angry.
• Linda is going to be happy.
• Gugun will be late.
• Natini will be an actress.
• Nadzar is going to be a pilot.
(-) S + will + not + be + A/N/A
(-) S + is + not + going to + be + A/N/A
Example :
• Yudi will not be angry.
• Linda is not going to be happy.
• Gugun will not be late.
• Natini will not be an actress.
• Nadzar is not going to be a pilot.
“Yes or No” Question

Will + S + be + A/N/A ?
Be + S + going to + be + A/N/A ?

Example :
• Will Yudi be angry ?
• Is Linda going to be happy ?
• Will Gugun will be late ?
• Will Natini will be an actress ?
• Is Nadzar going to be a pilot ?
“Wh” Question

Wh + will + S + be + A/N/A ?
Wh + be + S + going to + be + A/N/A ?
Example :
• Why will Yudi be angry ?
• Why is Linda going to be happy ?
• Why will Gugun be late ?
• Why will Natini be an actress ?
• Why is Nadzar going to be a pilot ?
“Wh-S” Question

Wh + will + be + A/N/A ?
Wh + be going to + be + A/N/A ?
Example :
• Who will be angry ?
• Who is going to be happy ?
• Who will be late ?
• Who will be an actress ?
• Who is going to be a pilot ?
(+) S + will + be + V3 + by …
(+) S + be + going to + V3 + by …
Example :
• Rey will be helped by Anya.
• The novel is going to written by Mikha.
• Rossy will be gotten the gift by Lendy.
• Gerry and are going to gone to United States next year.
• Paula will be studied English by the native speaker
(-) S + will + not + be + V3 + by …
(-) S + be + not + going to + be + V3 + by …
Example :
• Rey will not be helped by Anya.
• The novel is not going to written by Mikha.
• Rossy will not be gotten the gift by Lendy.
• Gerry and I are not going to gone to United States next
• Paula will not be studied English by the native speaker
“Wh” Question “Wh-S” Question
Wh + will + S + be + V3 + by … Wh + will + be + V3 + by …
Wh + be + S + going to + be + V3 + Wh + be + going to + be + V3 + by
by … …

Example : Example :
o When will Rey be helped by o Who will be helped by Anya ?
Anya ?
o What is going to written by Mikha
o Why is going to written by Mikha ?
o What will Rossy be gotten by o Who will be gotten the gift by
Lendy ?
Lendy ?
o When are Gerry and I going to o Who are going to gone to United
gone to United States ?
States next year ?
o What will Paula be studied by the
native speaker tomorrow ?
o Who will be studied English by
the native speaker tomorrow ?
1. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang
akan dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang

Example :
o I will go to Jombang next month.
o Erwin will go to Pangandaran Beach next holiday.
o Ziza will be dinner with her boyfriend tonight.
o Do Min Joon is going to watch “You Who Come From the Star”
next week.
o Anton is going to graduate on April 2014.
2. Digunakan untuk menunjukan syarat

Example :
o Mr. Fajar will give you a good camera if you go with
o My Father will buy me laptop if I study hard.
o If Kenza go out in all this rain, she’ll get wet.
o If Rendra be diligent student, he will go abroad.
o If I have enough money, I will buy a new cellular
3. Digunakan untuk memohon kepada seseorang untuk
melakukan sesuatu

Example :
o Will you please help me to post this letter ?
o Will you bring me a cup of tea ?
o Will Maliando has time to visit Malaysia to meet with
his family ?
o Will we go home as soon as possible ?
o Will they come to the party next Saturday ?
4. Digunakan untuk membuat suatu janji pada waktu
yang akan datang

Example :
o Dinda will help Dandi by three this afternoon.
o Mrs. Alesya will be the business coach in the workshop
o They shall meet us the day after tomorrow.
o The interview will begin by eight this morning.
o Ridwan and Rina will not come late to school tomorrow.


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