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• Holistic medicine is a method of healing that focuses on the person as a whole, rather than
just treating a specific health condition. Holistic providers also aim to prevent health issues
from ever developing by covering the health of the body, mind, and spirit.
• Holistic living offers a way to balance your life in all areas ­health, relationships, spirituality,
we can learn to be more compassionate, loving, fulfilled individuals.
• According to the holistic medicine philosophy, one can achieve optimal health. The primary
goal of holistic medicine practice by gaining proper balance in life.
• Holistic medicine practitioners believe that the whole person is made up of interdependent
parts and if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. In this way,
if people have imbalances (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual) in their lives, it
can negatively affect their overall health.
• A holistic center is a combination of various health and lifestyle related activities.
• “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”- PLATO.
• To design holistic center where people live, learn and heal.
• To help people to cure their by alternative wellness therapies , to live more balanced life,
changing their lifestyle, personalized diet, healing therapies & techniques.
• People aim to have more peaceful life style and i.e. to promote the holistic healing center.
• We as human beings have an inner connection with our environment by physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual means. This connection can create a dynamic life that people can
thrive in every aspect.
• “The good building is not that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape
more beautiful than it was before the building was built.” - FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT
• To establish a relationship between healing, senses and architecture.
• Design spaces for lifestyle that promotes healthy living, healthy eating and meditation.
• To understand the various elements of healing, by incorporating them into the built form.
• To design a learning center that teaches the importance of culture and mankind.
• To understand the five elements of nature and five senses as a healing environment

• To create an integrated environment where the physical and the mental healing take place
• To integrate landscape as a major element in to the built form.
• To explore sensory architecture in the built form.
• Nimba health care center – Mehsana - Ahmedabad highway
• Matri mandir – Auroville
• Karunashraya – Bangalore

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