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Concept of Islam.

Dr. Hifza Batool.
Introduction to Islam.
Islam is an Arabic word it means act of resignation to God. The root
word slam.

According to Quran there is only true religion professed by all

prophets from Adam to prophet Muhammad pbuh.

Three things faith, action and realization are necessary for true

According to Islam man as the representative of the God on earth.

Islam therefore enjoins man to God, prophethood Quran and Sunnah.

Islam and the other religion.

(those who believe whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of

Allah indeed it is in the thought of Allah alone that the heart
of man really finds rest those who believe and act righteously
joys for them and a blissful home to return to) (13:28,29 ).

There is no compulsion in Islam.

“Whosoever wants he should believe and whosoever wants, he

should disbelieve”. (18:29)
Concept of Islam.
Tauheed is the bedrock of Islam. (Allah’s sovereignty)

“O’ mankind worship your lord who created you and those before
you so that you may ward of evil who has appointed earth as
resting place for you the sky a canopy and who causes water to
pour down from the heavens there be producing fruits as food
for you so don’t set up rivals to Allah when you know better.”
(2: 21, 22.)

“And I have not created the jinn and the men except they should
serve me” (51:56)
Prophet hood and life after death.

“Every messenger who was sent by us was sent for the purpose that
he should be obeyed under the sanction of Allah”. (4:69)

The word purgatory means barrier. The Holy Quran interprets

the life between death and the Great Day of Judgment as

«Until when death overtakes one of them, he says, «Send me back

my Lord, send me back. Perhaps I may do good in that which I
have left» By no means! it is mere words that he speaks; and before
them is a purgatory until the day they are raised» (23:99-100)
Basic characteristics of Islam
Some basic characteristics of Islamic ideology.
George Bernard Shaw is reported to have said’

“I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimate

because of its wonderful vitality”.

Based on divine revelation.

Complete code of life.

Balance between individualism and collectivism.

Unity of matter and spirit.



Universality and Humanism,

‘God in Islam in the God of all world. and prophet pbuh messenger
for whole mankind’.

Quran further says that:

“O’ people! I am the Messenger of God to All”

Exposition of Islam.
1. Beliefs on oneness of God, last prophet, angels and books.

2. Practical Devotions that is recitation of kalma, Salats,

zakat, hajj and belief on day of judgment.

3. Transactions such as duties between masses.

4. Moralities, (all moral excellence of prophet

Muhammad (S) and Quranic ethics)

5. Punishments and Penalties.

Systems in Islam.
Moral system.

Social system.
1. Judicial system.
2. Educational system.

Economic system.

Political system.
Islam as a Deen.
Professor H.A.R. Gibb once said:

“within the western world Islam still maintains the

balance between exaggerated opposite (body and
spirit). Opposed equally to the anarchy of European
nationalism and the regimentation of Russian
communism. It has not yet succumbed to the obsession
with the economic side of the life which is characteristic
of present day Europe and present day Russia alike”.

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