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Dr. Akmarawita Kadir
mast cells
is a chronic inflammatory
disorder of the airways in -T lympho
which many cells and eosinophils cytes
cellular elements play a role
In susceptible individuals, Cells
this inflammation causes
recurrent episodes of epithelial cells -Macropha
wheezing, breathlessness, ges
chest tightness and coughing,
particularly at night or in the neutrophils
early morning..
Asma ekstrinsik (alergik)
(alergen, spt: debu,blu halus, serbuk)
intrinsik (idiopatik)
(fak nonspesifik spt flu, latihan fisik, emosi dapat
memicu serangan asma)

(Komponen asma instrinsik+Ekstrinsik)
Two main pathophysiologic types of

Extrinsic asthma; common in children,

associated with a genetic predisposition
and is precipitated by a known
allergens. It is related to the formation
of antibody IgE in the body
Mechanisms in
Intrinsic asthma; tend to develop in
adulthood, and symptoms are triggered by non-
allergic factors such as;
1. Viral infection, irritants which cause
epithelial damage and mucosal inflammation
2. Emotional upset which mediates excess
parasympathetic input
3. Exercise which causes water ad heat loss
from the airways

• Release of inflammatory mediator produce bronchial

smooth muscle spasm
• Vascular congestion
• Increase vascular permeability
• Edema formation
• Production of thick tenacious mucus
• Impair mucociliary function
• Thickening of air way wall
• Increase response of bronchial smooth muscle
• Damage epithelium produce hyper responsiveness and

Faktor2 yang mengakibatkan obstruksi ekspirasi pada asma bronkial. A.

Potongan melintang dari bronkiolus yang mengalami oklusi akibat spasme
otot, mukosa yang membengkak, dan mukus dalam lumen, B . Potongan
memanjang dari bronkiolus
The mechanism of inflammation in
asthma can be
Acute; early recruitment of cells to the airways
Subacute; resident and recruited cells are activated to cause
a more persistent pattern of inflammation

Chronic; cells damage is persistent and subject to ongoing repair,

permanent change in the airway may occur with airway remodelling
• Batuk yang memburuk pada malam hari
• Sesak nafas
• Mengi atau Wheezing (a high-pitched whistling
sound that occurs when exhaling) due to turbulent
airflow through a narrowed airway
• nafas pendek tersengal-sengal.
Gambaran • Produksi sputum meningkat, sulit tidur
klinik • Hambatan pernafasanan reversibel
• Adanya peningkatan gejala pada saat olahraga,
infeksi virus, eksposur terhadap alergen dan
perubahan musim.
• Terbangun di malam hari krn gejala seperti di atas .
Terima Kasih

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