Inclusive Education Task 2

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gifted students
Phyu Sin Yadanar Thein
Understanding of Gifted
Gifted children are children who have abilities that are superior or
children whose intelligence levels are above the average normal child,
including; intelligent, brilliant, superior, supernormal, talented, genius,
gifted, gifted and talented, and super (Warnandi, 2008). Aptitude is
defined as an innate ability that is a potential (potential ability) that is
still need to be developed or trained. Ability is the power to perform an
action as a result of carrying and training. Ability to demonstrate that an
action can be performed now, while talent requires training and
education so that an action can be taken in the future (Sutisna, n.d.).
The child has the following potential (Sutisna, n.d.):
1) General intellectual proficiency (high intelligence)

2) Have proficiency academics (have proficiency in fields such as

mathematics, mathematics, science, foreign languages)

3) Creative and productive in thinking (having the ability to explore new

discoveries, do every work carefully and earnestly or only with ideas)

4) Capable in leadership (having a high ability to mobilize others in

achieving common goals)
Types of Gifted Children
Very high • Usually children who score highly on intelligence tests.

• That is the ability to find new ideas and those who are able to solve
Creativity is
high in

• That is the ability to influence others to act according to the expectations

desired by the group.

• For example, mathematics, language, music, dance, painting, drama,

Special talents
in certain fields sports, and more.
Causative Factors of Gifted Children
•Heredity Factor: is a factor inherited from parents , including intelligence, creative productive, leadership skills, artistic and psychomotor

abilities. In a person, it is determined that there are inherited factors that exist in each person, and these innate talents also differ from person to

person. U. Branfenbrenner and Scarr Salaptek stated firmly that now there is no doubt that genetics has a big share of a person's mental abilities.

•Biological factors: that are not genetic in nature that affect intelligence are nutritional and neurological factors. Nutritional deficiencies and

neurological disorders in childhood can lead to mental retardation. Terman's studies of people who have high IQs show physical advantages such

as: height, weight, attractiveness and health, compared to those with lower intelligence.

•Environmental factors: Children who are recognized to have potential need to be developed, need to have families full of stimulation, direction,

encouragement, and rewards for their abilities. Other studies have shown that certain cultural or ethnic groups produce more gifted children even

at different socioeconomic levels. This is associated with social mobility and a high value on achievement in certain fields within certain cultural

and ethnic groups that contribute to giftedness. So the environment has a lot of influence related to how children's genetics are expressed in their

daily lives. Heredity determines the range over which a person will function, and environmental factors determine whether the individual will

function at attainments lower or higher than that range.

Stimulation, opportunities, hopes, demands, and rewards will affect a child's learning process. Research on

successful gifted individuals shows that their childhood in the family has the following circumstances:

• There is personal interest from parents in children's talents and encourages parents as role models

• There is encouragement from parents to explore

• Teaching is informal and occurs in a variety of situations, the early learning process is more exploratory

and playful

• Families interact with tutors / mentors

• There are behaviors and values ​that are expected to be related to children's talents in the family

• Parents become observers of exercises, provide direction when needed, provide measurements on

children's behavior which are done praiseworthy and meet the standards set

• Parents find special instructors and teachers for their children

• Parents encourage children's participation in various positive events where children's abilities are

demonstrated to the general public

Prevalence of Gifted Children
State State Gifted District All District
All Gifted

White 49% 63% 68% 83%

Black 24% 10% 15% 6%

Hispanic 23% 20% 12% 5%

Asian/Pacific 2% 4% 1% 3%
Am./ <1% <1% <1% <1%

Multi-racial 3% 3% 3% 3%
• There is no exact definition for gifted in the United States.
• This creates a problem in identifying exact numbers of gifted children in the United
• The evidence of this can be seen in the differences on the county, state and national
• Most states define gifted as having high academic achievement, not including those
of diverse backgrounds who may not perform as well on such assessments.
• The varying definitions from state to state create barriers to including special
• Populations of gifted students vary due to the definition offered by the state. States
that identify special populations tend to have higher identified gifted populations.
Learning Principles of Gifted Children
Application of Differential Curriculum: curriculum content must focus and coordinate broader, complex and deep ideas and
problems as well as themes, which integrate science crosswise with systems of thought like Mental Skills, Application of productive
thinking, and Attitude development.

Creating a Conducive Environment: several things related to efforts to create a learning environment that is conducive to gifted
children, namely: Provide enrichment programs, Assigning a "consultant teacher“, Provides source space, Using a mentor, Provide
exercises for children to do independent study, and Provide classes specifically for student interests.

Placement of qualified teachers: Teachers who are considered suitable for the education of gifted children have the following
characteristics: Have the ability to think logically, rationally and productively; Have high creativity, Have a meaningful learning
experience, Have the ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing; Have an understanding of the concept of
meaning, Have skills in applying various learning methods effectively, Have broad insight into various aspects of life, especially
those related to the materials taught to children; Have a strong commitment to the task at hand, Have the ability to develop and
evaluate gifted child education programs, Have an understanding of the differentiated curriculum and the steps for its
development, Have an understanding of the concept of guidance and be able to apply it, and Mastering information technology
that supports his duties in teaching gifted children.

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