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● The major problem in this research is to find out the problem viewed
from the perspective of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles
Dickens using sociological approach. The research analyses the
problem viewed from the perspective of justice in the novel Oliver
Twist by Charles Dickens. In analyzing the novel, the researcher uses
qualitative method. The data are divided into two kinds of data,
namely primary data and secondary data. The primary data source is
the novel itself, Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens. Secondary
data sources include books, websites, and other literature, as well as
other items that support this analysis. However, the descriptive
analysis is the technique of data analysis
● Keywords : Oliver Twist, Perspective of Justice, Sociological Approach.
A. Background
● At the beginning of the development of literature, people only know literature in
general without categorization. These categories arise when the value of
education is an indispensable element. Literally, the expansion of readership in
the nineteenth century encouraged the growth of others in the public sector to
read. The term categorization evolved and became known as genre which
usually refers to one of the three classical literary forms of epic, drama, or
poetry (Klarer, 1998).
● Literary works according to the function of 'Utile et dulce', it can be made as a
facility for sowing humanist and religious values in the history of human
civilization. Thus, literature can be intended for teaching, manuals, manuals or
campaigns. Literature does not have certain rules for the subject matter raised,
everything is free to depend on the author or even words to express their
respective expressions. Equally according to Ratna (2009) literary works are
stories about human creation that can be used as a means of entertainment,
learning, instruction, and contemplation of life.
B. Research Question
● Based on the context of this study, the following research questions
have been developed:
1. What is the problem of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles
Dickens using sociological approach?
2. What are the meanings of justice?
C. Objectives
● The author has several objectives in this research based on the
research questions, which are as follows:
1. To find out the problem of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles
Dickens using sociological approach.
2. To find out the meaning of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles
A. Previous Studies
● There have been some previous studies that are related to this research, but their goals
are different. John (2015) published an article entitled “A Critique of John Rawls’ Social
Justice Theory and the Fate of Nigeria’s Politics in the 21st-Century and Beyond”
● Seguedeme & Boro (2020) article entitled “Critical Analysis of Charles Dickens’ Exposition
of Social Class Prejudices in Oliver Twist”
● Hastuti (2019) in her article entitled “Crimes in the 19th Century London in Charles
Dickens’ Oliver Twist”
● Wulandari (2001) described about poor people in England who got unfair treatment from
the society in Oliver Twist novel in her article entitled “Social Injustice Issues as Reflected
in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist: A Sociological Approach”
● Fitriani, Antoni, & Rahayu (2017) in their article entitled “An analysis of Moral Values in
Novel “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens”
● Aminah (2018) explained about social justice in novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens in
her journal entitled “Social Injustice as Reflected in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist”.
B. Underlying Theory
● 1. Sociology of Literature
Theories in sociology provide us with different perspectives with which to
view our social world. A perspective is simply a way of looking at the
There are three perspectives relating to the sociological literary approach,
namely (1) the study that looked at literature as a social document in
which a reflection on the current situation of the literary works when it
was written ,(2) The study that revealed a literature as a mirror of the
author's social life situation, and (3) the study literature as a manifestation
of historical events and socio-cultural circumstances. Those entire things
can stand alone or be revealed in a sociological literary approach.
● 2. Perspective of Justice
Justice is defined by the relationship that exists between the individual
and the state, and justice means that the state treats every person equally
and seeks to resolve disputes based on the facts and compared to
objective criteria rather than a subjective determination. Equity occurs
when the distribution of political power and economic opportunity is made
as uniform as possible or when the social and political system is such
that it tends towards a fair distribution even if it is not achieved.
● 3. John Rawls Theory of Justice
Rawls' theory provides a framework that explains the significance, in a
society assumed to consist of free and equal persons, of political and
personal liberties, of equal opportunity, and cooperative arrangements
that benefit the more and the less advantaged members of society
● 4. The Principles of Justice
The first principle of justice said that each person is to have an equal right
to the most extensive scheme of equal basic liberties compatible with a
similar scheme of liberties for others. The basic liberties of citizens are,
roughly speaking, political liberty (i.e., to vote and run for office), freedom
of speech and assembly, liberty of conscience, freedom of personal
property, and freedom from arbitrary arrest.
● 5. The Study on Novel
Novel is one of literary works that widely known in the world. It is a piece
of work that not only entertains people but also portrays and represents
human life. The author creates the sense to get the readers experience the
actual life through elements of novel, such as character, plot, setting, and
point of view.
C. Theoretical Framework
● This study entitled titled “Analysis of the Problem Viewed from the
Perspective of Justice in the Novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens:
Sociological Approach” will focus on primarily on the perspective of
justice presented in the novel.
● Symbol theory is used to decode certain symbols in the film and
reveal their meaning. Symbols are objects that are focused on people,
things, places, and actions.
A. Type of the Study
● The research is considered as the qualitative research. Qualitative
research is an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct
methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social or human
problem (Creswell, 1997). According to Burns, qualitative research
attempt to capture and understand individual definitions,
descriptions, and meanings of event (Burns, 2000). The task of the
qualitative research is to capture what people say and do as a
product of how they interpret the complexity of their world, to
understand the events from the viewpoints of the participants
B. Type of Data and Data Sources
● The data of this research is a novel entitled Oliver Twist written by
Charles Dickens published in 1837. This research using sociological
approach to analyze the data. The researcher will use textual data in
this study, which consists of words, phrases, and sentences that
indicating the perspective of justice in the novel’s narrative and
dialogue, and the pictures available in the novel. The data sources in
this study are divided into two categories: primary and secondary.
The primary data source is the novel itself, Oliver Twist written by
Charles Dickens. Secondary data sources include books, websites,
and other literature, as well as other items that support this analysis.
C. Object of the Study
● The novel Oliver Twist written by Charles Dickens published in 1837 is the
object of this study.

D. Method of Collecting Data

● The researcher will use the following procedures when collecting the data:
a. Determine Oliver Twist novel which written by Charles Dickens as the object of
the study.
b. Read Oliver Twist novel.
c. Identify the words, phrases, and sentence that indicating the problem viewed
from the perspective of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens by
highlighting them.
D. Technique of Analyzing Data
a. Classify the words, phrases, and sentences that indicating the problem viewed
from the perspective of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
b. Analyze the words, phrases, and sentences that indicating the problem viewed
from the perspective of justice in the novel Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.
c. Categorize the forms of the problem viewed from the perspective of justice.
d. Interpret the results.
e. Draw the conclusion.

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