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Rules of Online School

How to behave during online classes?

Made by:
Elena Chamova
Online classes
In the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, online learning has takes central stage. It is seen as the best
alternative for emergency remote learning, given the massive global lockdown. Normal school as well as
online teaching have rules, but there is a little difference between them. If these rules are not followed,
will appear chaos. Sometimes students get distracted by their phones during online classes or when they
turn their cameras on, they put funny backgrounds. Teaching can turn into a tiring task, trying to enforce
discipline in a space where every participant has quick access to distractions and online discussions
quickly get out of control.
1. Be on time 1

Classes are short and there’s a lot of material to be covered. Starting on

time not only shows respect for your classmates and the teacher, but it 2
also frees up more time to ask questions on more complicated subjects. To
make sure the class can start on time, log in a few minutes before the class
begins. If you have a issue logging in, that will leave you a bit of time to
contact the teacher right away and solve your connection problem.

2. Stay focused and disciplined

Don’t go to other websites or do other activities. Class

participation is mandatory. It will count towards your grade.
Participation will ensure that the focus of the class is on the W
lesson and will help keep things organized and engaged. To
be able to participate, you need to pay attention and listen so
that you can respond when it’s your turn to speak.

3. Find a comfortable and quiet place to study 1

Find a quiet location, far from 2

any distraction. Other family
members, pets, background
noises, or cell phones can
decrease your focus. 3

4. Respect your teachers and classmates

Listen to your teacher when she is discussing or saying
something for the class. Use the ‘raise hand’ function when
you want to speak. Listen to your teacher and classmates and
only use the chat function when the teacher asks you to do W
something or if there is a problem with your connection.
Refrain from making offensive comments. Avoid doing things
that might disrupt your teacher’s lesson and classmate’s

5. Dress professionally 1

To dress professionally takes a
. few minutes. If you put on your
school uniform, you will be more

6. Do not eat during class

In general, you shouldn’t engage in activities that don’t
contribute to the lesson. Eating is an obvious example
here. W

7. Turn on your camera and turn off your microphone 1
when it is not your turn to speak

Mute your microphone to keep the audio channel free of clutter

and available to the speaker. Communication is also visual. Keep
your camera turned on so your classmates and the teacher can 2
read your visual cues.

Thanks for your attention!

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