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ACT OF 2003
You must have heard
about the complaints of
non - cigarette smokers
on how they are
affected by people who
smoke in public. You
have surely heard also
the discussion on the
dangers of cigarette
What is the purpose of the Tobacco
Regulation Act 2003?
The purpose of RA 9211 is generally to promote a
healthyful environment. It informs the public of the
health risks associated with cigarette smoking and
tobacco use as well as regulate and subsequently ban all
tobacco advertisements and sponsorships.
More importantantly, the new low protects the youth
from being initiated to cigarette smoking and tobacco use
by prohibiting the sale of the products to minors.
These are the public places where smoking is
1. Centers of youth activities such as schools, hostels, and recreational
2. Elevators ans stairwells; places considered fire hazards
3. Public and private hospitals, clinics, health centers, nursing homes,
dispensaries, and laboratories
4. Public conveyances and facilities including airports, ship terminals,
train and bus stations, restaurants, and conference halls
5. Shopping malls, movie houses, hotels, restaurants, and food
preparation areas.
Designated smoking areas may be placed in
public places but it must be in open spaces or
separate areas with proper ventilation, but it must
not be located within the same room of a non
smoking - area.
The law also provides minimum age
requirements for the sale, purchase, and use of
tabacco by a minor (below 18years old).
Selling tobacco is also prohibited within 100
meters away from school, public playgroud, or
other facilities frequented by minors.
ACT OF 2002

(RA 9165)
You have heard from your school officials
also from your local and national
government officials how illegal drugs many
of our countrymen.
You must have seen on TV, various
commercials narrating how dangerous drugs
destroy lives of people and family
relationships. You have also seen many
young celebrities convincing television
viewers to say no to drugs.
After the election of President Rodrigo Roa
Duterte in 2016, there has been very strict
implementation on the law on dangerous drugs by
government officials and police officers. The reason
of this is, according to the president, to protect all
Filipino, Filipino families, and the future of the
young generation of Filipinos.
What is the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs
Act of 2002 (RA9165)
The Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
2002 is a policy imposed by the government to
deal with the state’s problem with illegal drugs,
particularly how it affects the youth.
Many experts in the field of law said that this
Dangerous Drugs Act is one that needs to be
taken seriously specially by young people.
What does this law cover?
The policy covers drug – related situations such as trafficking,
possession, using and even the rehabilitation of previous drug users.
Some details of this drug – related situations are as follows:
1. Introducing a dangerous drug into s person’s body by injection,
inhalation, or any other method.
2. Passing a dangerous drug to another. It may be done personally
or using another person means.
3. Giving away or selling dangerous drugs.
4. Illegal trafficking, delivery, administration, dispensation,
manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, distribution,
importation, export and possession of any dangerous drug,
and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical.
5. Trading – Transactions involving the illegal trafficking of
dangerous drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential
chemicals using electronic divices.
a. Financier - Any person who pays for, raises, supplies
money for, or underwrites any of the illegal activities under
the Dangerous Drugs Act.
b. Protector/Coddler – Any person who knowingly and
willfuly consents to the violations of the Dangerous Drugs
Act and uses his/her power, influence or position to shield
the escape of any person he/she knows, suspects violated
the Dangerous Drugs Act.
c. Pusher - Any person who sells dangerous drugs, or acts
as a broker in any transaction that violates Dangerous
Drugs Act.
The penalty for any given situation ranges from 6 months
for posession of drug paraphernalia to life sentence or even
death sentence for maintaining a drug den.

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