Muharram - Reza Dimas S - C1a020082

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It is called Muharram because fighting is prohibited in it

Muharram has been agreed as the first month of the Hijri or Islamic calendar. Together with Dzul-
qo’dah, Dzul-Hijjah and Rajab, these are the four sacred months which are blessed and important
months in Islam.
The myth surrounding the moon of
It has become the 'confidence' of most indonesians - Java in particular - that the muharram -or the suro of Java - is a sacred
month. On certain dates they interrupt activities-big part of the event, avoid long journeys, as they view itas a bad day or an
unlucky one.

Really, the above myth is not justified in the teaching of Islam.

Muharram has been agreed as the first month of the Hijri or Islamic calendar. Together with Dzul-qo’dah, Dzul-Hijjah and Rajab,
these are the four sacred months which are blessed and important months in Islam. Allah says in Surah Al-Tawbah verse 36:

“Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve months (in a year), so it was ordained by Allah on the Day when He created
the heavens and the earth; of them, four are sacred. That is the right religion, so wrong not yourselves therein…” [Surah al-
Tawbah 9:36]

It is obvious that this sacred month is called Syahrullahil Muharram – the month of Allah as no other month is called Syahrullah
other than Muharram. Literally, our Prophet (PBUH) ­called it Syahrullah, the month of Allah, Al-Muharram, and therefore, this is
the highest honour given to this month and no other month in the Islamic calendar has been given this honour.

Most importantly, as Muslims, we consider the

tenth of Muharram is the day of Ibadah. We are
conscious of Allah even more and we concourse
to Allah through our action of worship and
through the action of fasting. Especially for the
month over all, our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
encourages us to do extra good deeds, extra
fasting, extra charity, as this is one of the sacred
month. May Allah saves those who do their best
effort to worship Him. Wallahualam bi shawab.
The fasting of Ashura

Prophet SAW said that the virtue of fasting of Ashura served as forgiveness of the sins

of the previous year or it expiated the sins committed in the previous year. In this

respect, the Prophet (PBUH) said,” I hope that Allah will accept it as expiation for [the

sins committed in] the previous year” (Sahih Muslim: 1162).

Considering those ways of doing the fasting of Ashura, those who could fast in the

ninth, the tenth and the eleventh of Muharram that would be great.
And certainly the time is not necessarily in the month of muharram, but in all the moons of man can have
good luck as well as bad. Not one study produced data that in the month muharram the rate of accidents
increased, ratio of the highest deaths, the most divorce cases, etc. Is avoiding certain activities guaranteed
freedom of trouble for this month? Of course not the answer, it all again depends on his efforts and taufiq
from Allah, not his bad time or fortune.
Islam is not a religion that completely rejects any
tradition, especially if it conforms to the teachings of
Islam. But Islam will combat the culture in which it
collides with its teachings, in an effort to keep its
followers in compliance with every rule set out by

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