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What is DEVOPS?

Understading DevOPS within the later stages of the SDLC

We well learn and understand that expedited rate of production allows various

organizations to compete in the market more effectively while serving their
customers with better services
DevOps may be referred to as the combo
of tools, practices and cultural philosophies that are responsible for
increasing the ability of an organization when it comes to delivering
services and applications at a higher pace.
This is done by improving and evolving the products more swiftly in
comparison to the organizations that make use of the traditional
infrastructure management and software development processes.
How DevOps Model Works?

In DevOps models, operations and development teams aren’t siloed or

isolated from each other.

As a matter of fact, sometimes they are merged together to form one

team whose members take care of everything starting from the
development of the system to testing its final functionalities.
How DevOps Model Works?

In addition to this, they also work on developing certain skills that go

way beyond just a single function. Security and QA teams also tend to
integrate more tightly in the process of operations and development in
the whole application lifecycle.

The teams make use of certain automation processes and

techniques that have known to be slow and manual traditionally.

They are used in a more effective and efficient way to get better

Some specific tooling along with a technology stack is used to evolve

and operation applications more reliably and quickly.

Moreover, the said tools and techniques also turn out to be helpful for
engineers when it comes to accomplishing certain tasks independently
while otherwise they would have needed facilitation from several other
teams to carry out the job.
• What are DevOps Essentials?

The word DevOps may be thought of as an umbrella term.

It may be referred to as an evolving practices set for enabling

applications to grow and refine elegantly as if they were meant to be
changed and refined eventually.
• What are DevOps Essentials?

In other words, it may be thought of as a convergence of specialty

tools, engineering knowledge and internet afforded acceleration to bridge
the gap between developers and tools, platforms, open source components
and a world full of other developers.

Certain essentials of DevOps are mentioned below for your better

• What are DevOps Essentials?

The first and most basic DevOps essential is the fact that it is based upon
architectural patterns, principles and conventions related to the
integration, verification, development and deployment of the software as
well as the related infrastructure.

In short, using DevOps, software may be evolved more efficiently and

• What are DevOps Essentials?

DevOps provide direct access to all as its architectural capabilities are

infused into different open source tools like component repositories
and task managers.

The tools make use of efficient and effective divide and conquer
strategy for taking care of development complexity and transforming it
into coordinated packaged tool solutions.
• Source Code Management Automation – “SCM”

Without using a good source code management automation tool, you

won’t be able to take care of your project efficiently. You won’t be able
to maintain your command chain, track your work progress, make use
of separate testing environments and support your development life-
cycle among other similar issues.
• Source Code Management Automation – “SCM”

Therefore, making use of a good tool is highly important when it comes

to SCM automation. GIT is one of the best distributed version control
systems you may find in the market for this purpose. It is an open
source system developed for handling small as well as massive projects
swiftly, effectively and efficiently.
Name some other examples?
• Source Code Management Automation – “SCM”

examples : CVS, SVN, Mercurial

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

Apache Subversion (SVN)
Mercurial began close to the same time as Git and is also a distributed
revision control tool.
• Source Code Management Automation – “SCM”

examples : CVS, SVN, Mercurial

Concurrent Versions System (CVS)

Apache Subversion (SVN)
Mercurial began close to the same time as Git and is also a distributed
revision control tool.
• Source Code Management Automation – “SCM”

When a developer is willing to use GIT for automation of source code

management, it is necessary for them to integrate GIT into the entire
DevOps process of their enterprise as it is an important requirement for
GIT to provide the functionalities of automated compilation, promotion
and testing of their code
• Continuous Integration

Continuous integration may be referred to as a process that integrates

all the development work as quickly as possible.

The artifacts are created and tested automatically as a result of the

process. It also allows users to identify bugs and errors more quickly in
comparison to other techniques.  
• Continuous Integration

Jenkins is known to be one of the most popular tools used for build

automation and continuous integration. All it does is execute the list of
predefined steps for compiling the source code in order to build a Java
Archive using the resultant classes.
• Continuous Integration

Some of the most common steps followed by Jenkins to complete the

continuous integration process are as follows.
• Using gradle or apache maven for carrying out a software build
• Executing shell scripts
• Archiving build results
• Evaluation using software tests
• Understanding Containerization using Docker

Docker may be referred to as an open source software tool designed to

facilitate the deployment of applications using containers.

Containers are made using packages of applications.

Later, they get shipped to the required platform where they are
required to perform their functionalities.
• Understanding Containerization using Docker

Containers are highly popular among developers as they help them out
when it comes to packaging applications along with all essential

An individualized easily usable package is developed and shipped to the

required destinations.
• Understanding Containerization using Docker

Docker containerization may be referred to as a method which breaks

down an application into several sizes that are easy to manage.

They are individually packaged and completely functional along with all
of the dependencies that are built into them.
• Understanding Containerization using Docker

Using the technique of Docker containerization, the whole process of

scaling and application as well as updating every single one of its
components becomes much more easy and convenient.
• More about DevOps and DevOps Essentials

DevOps features a cross functional working mode which requires it to

make use of multiple tools at the same time rather than relying upon
just one of them.

Some of the most commonly tools used in the DevOps process are

given below in order to give you an overview of its functionalities.
• Code development, review
• Source code management
• Software build using continuous integration tools
• Software testing
• Software packaging using artifact repository
• Change management
• Configuration of infrastructure
• Software performance monitoring

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and

information-technology operations which aims to shorten the systems
development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high
software quality.

Lets Look at some of these tools and how they are used.
Thank you

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