Long Working Hours: Doesthissound Like A Sat Isfying Job ?

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S AT I S F Y I N G J O B ?
The overall case mainly rotates around the
jobs that involves longer working hours,
continuous engagement with the organization
and the clients, with least priority to work life
Various factors and characteristics that
Case Summary involve in leading such jobs.
 Managers giving less priority to their
vacation time.
Managers sticking to their present jobs
instead finding alternatives.
Case Analysis: From the case details we can clearly state that these jobs are highly
time consuming, stressful and keep the employees away from the
Do you think only families.

certain individuals Only people with certain characteristics like ‘Workaholics’ and

are attracted to who gives more importance to their professional life than the
personal life and those individuals with certain job attitudes like
these types of jobs Job involvement
or are the Organizational commitment
characteristics of Employee engagement are attracted to these kind of jobs.
the job themselves The characteristics of the job that are attracting them are
are satisfying? These jobs offer higher status in society

They feel more challenging in nature.

The main characteristic of these high-profile jobs is Self-determination where
employees prefer to feel they have the control over the actions.

Job satisfaction is achieved by various factors like

Case Analysis: Being independent

What Challenge oriented

characteristics of Skilled and being responsible for the situations.

these jobs might From the given case study, the following characteristics may lead to increased
level of job satisfaction
contribute to
Gian Lombardo: Highly paid salary & being independent
increased levels of
Irene Tse: Independent, inspiring.
job satisfaction?
Tony Kurz: High profile job, Highly paid salary, Travelling to various places

David Clark: Highly responsible in promoting their channel, Highly paid

David Clark is satisfied with the job because of the higher
demand which make him keep his position.
Case Analysis:
Personal satisfaction also involve here like some may feel proud
How might for the position they are leading which have a higher demand
Clark’s and many people are in hunt of this kind of job.

perceptions that he
has a job many
others desire
contribute to his
job satisfaction?
After analyzing the various examples in the
case given, everyone has some driving force
that make them leading their jobs in effective
Major factors/driving forces that are involved

Case Analysis Job satisfaction

Job involvement
Organizational commitment
Employee engagement
By analyzing this case the overall study help us to

develop an understanding on how job satisfaction is

derived in the organization, Work motivation and job

Take Away

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