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Animal Testing Affects our Bio-

Made by : Noor-e-Rabi Class : 9C-Amber
Animal Testing
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation is.Where aimals udergo through
abuse and are forced to go through harsh experiments which causes them pain,sufferring or
distress.Animal experimentation in an unethical and inhuman practice.Some Examples of
animal testing are the following:

1.Force Feeding Mice And Rats to Inhale Toxic Fumes.

2.Force Feeding dogs pesticides.
3.Dripping corrosive chemicals into rabbits sensitive eyes.
Over a 100 million animals are burned,crippled,poisoned and abused in the U.S alone every
Issues of Animal Testing
1. Cruel and inhumanity.
2. Threat for rare species.
3. Contradicts with medical ethics.
4.Results of these testings might not be applicable to humans.
5. Better alternatives; Computer simulation.
6. Animals are different from humans.
Causes and consequences of Animal Experimentation
There are 4 main reasons why animals are used in research:
1. To improve our understanding of biology.
2. As models to study disease.
3. To develop and test potential forms of treatment.
4.To protect the safety of people,animals and the environment.

Animals in the highest dose group often endure severe abdominal pain, diarrhea,
convulsions , seizures, paralysis or bleeding from the nose, mouth, or genitals before
they ultimately die or are killed
Evaluation on Pros and Cons
I believe it is possible,to obtain information that cannot be learned in any other
way.Instead the drug or technique is tested in animals to make sure that it is safe
and effective.Animals also offer experimental offers that would be impossible to
replicate using human subjects.
Global and National Perspectives
Over 40 countries Globally have banned Animal testing including the folowing

3.South Korea
Which banned or restricted animal testing on cosmetics and cosmetic ingredients but there is still a large
part of the world where animal testing of cosmetics remains a practice.
International organizations such as PETA are helping solve this major issue of Animal experimentation.

In Pakistan, Amazing organizations such as PAWS{Pakistan Animal Welfare Society}

Are helping with animal abuse and testing.
Actions we can take
1. Always buy cruelty-free products.
Cruelty-free cosmetics and household products abound.
2. Educate others.
Don’t leave people in the dark about the horrors of the animal experimentation
industry. Knowledge is power, so educate them.
3.Sign up for petitions:
Sign up for trusted and reliable foundations helping with Animal testing.
4.Campaigns and and Rallies:
Educate others on this severe topic by holding campaign and attending various
rallies helping with Animal Cruelty.
Personal Perspective

In my opinion Animal Testing is very inhumane and is a

practice that should be avoided.Aniamls dont have to go
through the pain, just to benefit us.I feel like, switching
to vegan,cruelty free items is one of the best actions we
can take.
Sources & Bibliography

{Christopher Tuggle, Iowa State University and Adeline Boettcher, Iowa State
{Thomas Cueni}

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