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What is an adjective?
Adjective is a word that describes the nature of an object.For example, whether the object is round,
square, black, red, large,small, cold, or hot and so on.So the adjective describes a noun by providing
information about the object's size, shape, age, skin color, origin or material. In essence, an adjective
is an adjective that describes a trait of a particular thing.
Function of Adjective
 Adjectives are often referred to by other names as adjectives. The function of this word is
to provide information on nouns or pronouns in a sentence. In addition, this type of word
also explains or gives information to nouns or pronouns, adjectives can also occupy
predicate functions.
types of adjectives
 1. comparative adjective
 2. superlative adjective
 3. possessive adjective
 4. common adjective
 5. past participle
 6. article
 7. demonstrative adjective
 8. interrogative adjective
1. Comparative adjective
 Comparative adjectives are adjectives that compare one thing to another. compared can be
in the form of objects, people, or animals. So when we are going to compare one thing
with another we can use the word comparative adjective. Examples of comparative
adjectives are taller, longer, smaller, cheaper, bigger, happier, and so on
- the size of the cable at home is smaller than the cable
on the electric pole
2. Superlative adjective
 Superlative adjectives are adjectives in English that are used to express the highest rank in
a group. So this superlative adjective is the highest and highest level. Examples such as,
tallest, highest, longest, shortest, fastest, funniest, and others.
 Example
- PLTU java 7 is the largest PLTU in indonesia
3. Possessive adjective
 Possessive adjectives are used to describe who owns/owns an object. In this case, the
adjective is used to describe an object and the position of the possessive adjective is before
the noun. The possessive adjectives are My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, and Their.
 Example
- my fuse blew because there was a short circuit in the puwer supply
4. Common adjective
 Common adjectives are adjectives that are purely adjectives, or are not formed from any
element. Examples of the words are black, white, important, happy, sad, strong, special,
poor, and others

 Example
- i have a white light in the study room
5. Past participle
 The past participle is V3. Examples such as broken, confused, solved, eaten, and others.

 Example
- looks like the switch is broken because it can’t turn on the light properly
6. Article
 Articles are 'a', 'an' and 'the' these are all part of an adjective

 Example
- the transformer serves to increase and decrease the voltage
7. Demonstrative adjective

 Demonstrative adjectives are adjectives that indicate something like this, that, those, and

 Example
- this is an MCB that functions as a voltage protector
8. Interrogative adjective

 Interrogative adjectives are question words such as what, when, which, who, how, and

 Example
- how does the transformer work ?
 Name : septian dimas prayoga
 Nim : 2i41150063
 Class : D4-1E SKL


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