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:Torque Measurement:

Presented By :-
Prakhar Rastogi
M.E.- 1st Sem, Regular
Instrumentation & Control Engg.
NITTTR, Chandigarh.
Torque :
Force which tends to change the linear motion
or rotation of a body.
Turning or twisting moment of a force about an axis.
Torque is given as :

T= F.D

where, T= torque, F= force,

D = perpendicular distance from

the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force.
Applications for torque sensors include
determining the amount of power an engine, motor, turbine,

or other rotating device generates or consumes

Used in stress and deflection analysis
Determining the performance characteristics of machines
Measurement Analysis:
Dynamic measurement of torque transmitted by a rotating
shaft is based upon the angular displacement or twist in the
shaft .
The strain is sensed by the transducers and is measured and is
then interpreted in terms of torque by proper calibration.
A Strain may be measured by electrical means to indicate the
Strain Gauge Torque Meters
Multiple strain gauges may be installed and connected in a bridge
circuit configuration so that any deformation due to axial or
transverse loads is cancelled out in the final readout.
The torque is given by:
T = {π G ( R4 ­r4)/ 2L} Ѳ Nm
G= modulus of rigidity ; N/m2
R= outer radius shaft ; m
r = inner radius of shaft ; m
L = length of shaft ; m
Ѳ = angular deflection of the
shaft ; radians
Strain Gauge Torque Meters Contd…
The gauges should be so mounted that they give maximum sensitivity to the
strains produced by torsion.
The theory of two dimensional stress systems show that,
for a shaft subjected to pure torsion,
the gauges will be strained in the directions
of their major axis if they are
mounted at 450 to the axis of the shaft.
The strain gauges attached at 450 to
the axis of the shaft will indicate strains of

ε450 = ± TR / (pG(R4 – r4 )

In this arrangement two

strain gauges are subjected
to tensile stresses while
the other two experience
compressive stresses.
Strain Gauge Torque Meters Contd…
1. It is fully temperature compensated.
2. It provides automatic compensation for bending and axial loads.
3. It gives the maximum sensitivity for a given torque.
Connection of the bridge to its power source and
display arrangement
Strain Gauge Torque Meters Contd…
Slip Rings are the conducting rings attached to the shaft, but insulated
from it. Each slip ring is connected to each of the bridge terminals.
Rubbing contact is made between the rings and the stationery brushes,
which connects the input and output equipment.
Inductive torque transducer
What is Inductive Transducer?
Inductive transducers are mainly used for measurement of displacement.
Basically variable inductance transducers work upon one of the three principles:
1) change of self inductance,
2) change of mutual inductance,
3) production of eddy currents.
1) Principle based on Change of Self Inductance:
Self inductance of a coil L= (N2 / S),
Where, N = no. of turns ; S = reluctance of the magnetic circuit.
We know that,
S = l/μA
Therefore, L = {N2 μA / l} = N2 μ G.
Where, μ = effective permeability of the medium in and around the coil ; H/m
G = geometric form factor;
Inductive Torque Transducer
Flange A carries a coil and flange B, an iron core. This core moves in and out of the
coil according to relative displacement of the two flanges.

Therefore inductance of the coil is altered on account of relative displacement. The

coil is used as an arm of an a.c. bridge. The output of the a.c. bridge depends upon the
inductance of the coil which in turn depends upon the position of core and thus on
the displacement.
Since the displacement is dependent upon the torque and hence the bridge output
can be directly calibrated to read the torque.
Magnetostrictive Transducers
The wiedemann magnetostriction effect for the measurement of
torque causes changes in the permeability of the materials subjected
to tensile or compressive stresses.
The permeability increases under tensile stress and decreases under
compressive stress.
Working Principle:
Two A.C. energized primary coils
wound on iron cores, are
positioned close to the shaft
so that their flux path through
the material of the shaft coincide
with the directions of the
maximum strain.
Magnetostrictive Transducers
When there is no loading on the shaft, the permeability of the shaft is

uniform and equal but opposite voltages are induced in the secondary
coils S1 and S2.
The bridge is initially balanced.
 But when the torque is applied
the bridge becomes unbalanced on
account of increase in inductance
of one coil and decrease in
inductance of other coil,
caused by the change in
permeability of the flux path.
 The voltages induced in the secondary
coils S1 and S2 do not cancel each other and their algebraic sum is in
proportion to the torque.
Proximity Torque Sensors
By the use of a proximity sensor, the rotating shaft torque is
determined by measuring the angular displacement between the two
sections of a rotating shaft.
Construction and Working:
It consist of two identical
toothed-wheels fixed on a shaft,
a certain distance apart.
Two proximity sensors
(magnetic pickups)
are placed one at each wheel.
When the shaft rotates due to the applied
torque, the tooth of the wheel passes
the proximity sensors.
Due to which alternating voltages are produced, whose phase
difference is proportional to the applied torque.
Thank you !!

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