Patient 1: Pratiwi

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Patient 1

Mrs. P, 31 yo, G4P2A1, Melayunese, Moslem, Senior High School,
Housewife. Married to Mr. K, 33 yo, Bataknese, Moslem, Bachelor,
Enterpreneur. The patient was come to Policlinic USU General Hospital
on June 11th 2020 with :

Cc : ANC
E : This patient is a routine patient at USU Hospital outpatient clinic
for antenatal care. History of labor contraction (-), history of bloody
slime (-), history of amniotic fluid leakage (-). Micturition and
defecation within normal limit.
• Previous illness : -
• Previous medication : -
• Previous surgery : C-Section 2 time
• LMP : 7/01/2020
• EDD : 14/10/2020
• ANC : Midwife 1 time, Obstetrician 1 time

History of Pregnancy
1. Male, Aterm, 3100 gr, C-Section, Obstetrician, 9 yo, Healthy
2. Male, Aterm, 3000 gr, C-Section, Obstetrician, 2 yo, Healthy
3. Abortus
4. Current Pregnancy
Vital Signs
Sens : Alert Anemia : (-)
BP : 110/70 mmHg Icteric : (-)
Pulse : 78 bpm Dyspnoe : (-)
RR : 18 bpm Cyanosis : (-)
Temp : 36,8°C Oedem : (-)

General state : Normal BW: 64 kg, BH: 155 cm

Nutritional State : Normal UAC : 24 cm
Illness State : Normal

Generalized State :
Head : Pale palpebra conjuctiva inferior (-), icteric sclera (-)
Neck : Lymph node enlargement (-), thyroid gland enlargement (-)
Cor : Within no abnormality
Thorax : Respiratory sound : Vesicular (+/+)
Additional sound : Rales (-/-), Wheezing (-/-)
Superior Ext : Within normal limit
Inferior Ext : Pretibial oedem (-/-)
Obstetrical State

Abdomen : Symmetrically enlarged

Fundal Height : As level as umbilicus (22cm)
Tension part : Left
Lower part : Head
Uterine Contraction : -
Fetal movement : (+)
Fetal Heart Rate : (+) 140x/i, regular

Gynecological State
Vaginal examination : not performed
‐ Singleton Fetus, live Fetus
‐ Fetal movement (+), Fetal Heart Rate (+) 131 bpm, regular
‐ BPD : 53.4 mm
‐ HC : 194.6 mm
‐ AC : 117.0 mm
‐ FL : 39.0 mm

Conclusion : IUP (22-23) wga + Head Presentation + Live

Prev. C-Section 2 times + MG + IUP ( 22-23) wga + Head Presentation +
Live Fetus

Folic Acid tab 2x1

Control in 1 month later

Reported to supervisor on duty Prof. Dr. dr. M. Fidel Ganis Siregar,

M.Ked (OG), SpOG(K)  approved
Patient 2
Mrs. M, 23 yo, G2P1001, Bataknesse, Christian, Senior High School,
Housewife. Married to Mr. O, 26 yo, Bataknese, Christian, Bachelor,
Enterpreneur. The patient was come to Policlinic USU General Hospital
on June 11th 2020 with :

Cc : ANC
E : This patient is a routine patient at USU Hospital outpatient clinic
for antenatal care. History of labor contraction (-), history of bloody
slime (-), history of amniotic fluid leakage (-). Micturition and
defecation within normal limit.
• Previous illness : -
• Previous medication : -
• Previous surgery : -
• LMP : 14/09/2019
• EDD : 21/06/2020
• ANC : Midwife 1 time, Obstetrician 1 time

History of Pregnancy
1. Female, Aterm, 2900 gr, C-Section, Obstetrician, 2 yo, Healthy
2. Current Pregnancy
Vital Signs
Sens : Alert Anemia : (-)
BP : 120/70 mmHg Icteric : (-)
Pulse : 76 bpm Dyspnoe : (-)
RR : 20 bpm Cyanosis : (-)
Temp : 37,1°C Oedem : (-)

General state : Normal BW: 65 kg, BH: 156 cm

Nutritional State : Normal UAC : 25 cm
Illness State : Normal

Generalized State :
Head : Pale palpebra conjuctiva inferior (-), icteric sclera (-)
Neck : Lymph node enlargement (-), thyroid gland enlargement (-)
Cor : Within no abnormality
Thorax : Respiratory sound : Vesicular (+/+)
Additional sound : Rales (-/-), Wheezing (-/-)
Superior Ext : Within normal limit
Inferior Ext : Pretibial oedem (-/-)
Obstetrical State

Abdomen : Asymmetrically enlarged

Fundal Height : As level as umbilicus (22cm)
Tension part : Left
Lower part : Head
Uterine Contraction : -
Fetal movement : (+)
Fetal Heart Rate : (+) 142x/i, regular

Gynecological State
Vaginal examination : not performed
‐ Singleton Fetus, live Fetus
‐ Fetal movement (+), Fetal Heart Rate (+) 131 bpm, regular
‐ BPD : 88.4 mm
‐ HC : 321.4 mm
‐ AC : 313.4 mm
‐ FL : 71.4 mm
‐ S/D ratio :2.56
‐ EFW :2765 gram

Conclusion : IUP (36-37) wga + Head Presentation + Live

SG + IUP ( 36-37) wga + Head Presentation + Live Fetus

Folic Acid tab 2x1

Control in 2 weeks later

Reported to supervisor on duty Prof. Dr. dr. M. Fidel Ganis Siregar,

M.Ked (OG), SpOG(K)  approved

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