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1 Data Types and Levels of


Be able to identify data as qualitative or quantitative, to
identify quantitative data as discrete or continuous, and
to assign data a level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,
interval, or ratio).

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Data Types

Data Types

Qualitative (or categorical) data consist of values that

can be placed into nonnumerical categories.

Quantitative data consist of values representing counts

or measurements.

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EXAMPLE 1 Data Types
Classify each of the following sets of data as
qualitative or quantitative.
a. Brand names of shoes in a consumer survey
b. Scores on a multiple-choice exam

a. Brand names are categorical and therefore represent
qualitative data.
b. Scores on a multiple-choice exam are quantitative
because they represent a count of the number of
correct answers.

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Discrete versus Continuous Data

Discrete versus Continuous Data

Continuous data can take on any value in a given
Discrete data can take on only particular, distinct values
and not other values in between.

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EXAMPLE 2 Discrete or Continuous?
For each data set, indicate whether they data are discrete
or continuous.
a. Measurements of the time it takes to walk a mile
b. The number of calendar years (such as 2007, 2008,
a. Time can take on any value, so measurements of
time are continuous.
b. The number of calendar years are discrete because
they cannot have fractional values. For example,
on New Years Eve of 2009, the year will change
from 2009 to 2010; we’ll never say the year is
2009½ .
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Levels of Measurement
The simplest level of measurement applies to variables
that can be described solely by names, labels, or
categories. We say that such data are at a nominal
level of measurement.

When we describe data with a ranking or ordering

scheme, such as star ratings of movies or restaurants,
we are using an ordinal level of measurement.

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Consider a survey that asks “What’s your favorite
flavor of ice cream?” We've said that ice cream flavors
represent data at the nominal level of measurement.
But suppose that, for convenience the researchers
enter the survey data into a computer by assigning
numbers the different flavors. For example, they
assign 1 = vanilla, 2 = chocolate, 3 = cookies and
cream, and so on. Does this change the ice cream
flavor from nominal to ordinal?
Why or why not?

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Levels of Measurement
The ordinal level of measurement provides a ranking
system, but it does not allow us to determine precise
differences between measurements.
If intervals are meaningful but ratios are not, we say
that the data are at the interval level of measurement.
When both intervals and ratios are meaningful, we say
that data are at the ratio level of measurement.

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Figure 2.1 summarizes the possible data types and levels
of measurement.

Figure 2.1 Data types and levels of measurement.

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Levels of Measurement
The nominal level of measurement is characterized by data that
consist of names, labels, or categories only. The data are qualitative
and cannot be ranked or ordered.
The ordinal level of measurement applies to qualitative data that
can be arranged in some order (such as low to high). It generally
does not make sense to do computations with data at the ordinal
level of measurement.
The interval level of measurement applies to quantitative data in
which intervals are meaningful, but ratios are not. Data at this level
have an arbitrary zero point.
The ratio level of measurement applies to quantitative data in which
both intervals and ratios are meaningful. Data at this level have a
true zero point.

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By the Way ...
Scientists often measure temperatures
on the Kelvin scale. Data on the Kelvin
scale are at the ratio level of
measurement, because the Kelvin scale
has a true zero. A temperature of 0
Kelvin really is the coldest possible
temperature. Called absolute zero, 0 K
is equivalent to about -273.15°C or
(The degree symbol is not used for
Kelvin temperatures.)

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EXAMPLE 3 Levels of Measurement

Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,

interval, ratio) for each of the following sets of data.
a. Numbers on uniform that identify players on a
basketball team
a. Numbers on uniforms are at the nominal level of
measurement because they are labels and do not
imply any kind of ordering.

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EXAMPLE 3 Levels of Measurement

Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,

interval, ratio) for each of the following sets of data.
b. Student rankings of cafeteria food as excellent, good,
fair, or poor
b. A set of rankings represents data at the ordinal level
of measurement because the categories (excellent
food, fair, or poor) have a definite order.

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EXAMPLE 3 Levels of Measurement

Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,

interval, ratio) for each of the following sets of data.
c. Calendar years of historic events, such as 1776, 1945,
or 2001
c. An interval of one calendar year always has the
same meaning. But ratios of calendar years do not
make sense because the choice of the year 0 is
arbitrary and does not mean “the beginning of
time.” Calendar years are therefore at the interval
level of measurement.
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EXAMPLE 3 Levels of Measurement

Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,

interval, ratio) for each of the following sets of data.
d. Temperatures on the Celsius scale

d. Like Fahrenheit temperatures, Celsius temperatures
are at the interval level of measurement. An
interval of 1°C always has the same meaning, but
the zero point (0°C = freezing point of water) is arbitrary
and does not mean “no heat.”

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EXAMPLE 3 Levels of Measurement

Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal,

interval, ratio) for each of the following sets of data.
e. Runners’ times in the Boston Marathon

e. Marathon times have meaningful ratios—for
example, a time of 6 hours really is twice as long as
a time of 3 hours—because they have a true zero
point at a time of 0 hours.

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The End

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