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ACLS Series
• Kerjasama Tim dalam melakukan resusitasi dapat berjalan efektif jika
setiap anggota tim memahami peran dan tindakan apa yang harus

• Tidak jarang proses resusitasi gagal karena tidak terjalin nya

kerjasama timyang baik

• Suksesnya proses resusitsi tidak hanya karena adanya kehlian dalam

melakukan resusitasi tetapi diperlukan komunikasi effektif dan tim
yang solid untuk mencapainya
Team Leader
Team Leader
M e m b e r o f Te a m

Team Member

Airway Breathing Compressor AED/Monitor/Defib IV/Medication Timer/Recorder

Te a m L e a d e r R o l e

In General situation In Resuscitaion

• Organize The Team • Every resuscitation team must be have

• Monitor Individual Perform define leader
• Back Up Team Member • Assigns role to team Member
• Models Excellent • Makes Treatment Decision
• Train and Coach • Provide to the rest of the team member
• Facilitates Understanding • Assumes responsibility for rule not
• Focuses on Comprehensive Patient Care assigned
Te a m M e m b e r R o l e

A l l Te a m M e m b e r

• Every resuscitation team must be have

• Clear About Role Assignments
define leader
• Prepared to fulfill their role
• Assigns role to team Member
responsibilities • Makes Treatment Decision
• Well practiced in resuscitation skills
• Provide to the rest of the team member
• Committed to success
• Assumes responsibility for rule not
C l e a r R o l e a n d
R e s p o n s i b i l i t y

When Role unclear

• Performing the same task more than
• Missing Essential Task
• Team Members Having Multiple role
C l e a r r o l e a n d r e s p o s i b i l l i t i e s

Do Don't
• Clearly define all team member roles in the clinical • Neglect to assign tasks to all available team
setting members
• Seek out and perform clearly defined tasks • Assign task to team member who are unsure of their
appropriate to your level of competence responsibilities
• Ask for a new task or role if you are unable to • Distribute assignments unevenly, leaving some with
perform your assigned task too much to do and other too little
• Avoid taking assignments
• Take assignments beyond your level of competence
or expertise
K n o w Yo u r L i m i t a t i o n

• Call for assistance early rather than waiting until patient deteriorates to the
point that help is critical
• Seek advice from more expertise personnel when the patient’s condition
worsens despite primary treatment

• Reject offers from other to carry out an assigned task you are unable to
complete, especially if task completion is essential to treatment
• Use or start an unfamiliar treatment or therapy without seeking advice from
more experience personnel
• Take on too many assignment at a time when assistance is readily available
C o n s t r u c t i v e I n t e r v e n t i o n

Do Don't
• Ask the t a different intervention be started if it • Fail to reassign a team member who is trying to
has a higher priority function beyond his or her level of skill
• Suggest an alternative drug or dose in a confident • Ignore team member who is about to administer a
manner drug incorrectly
• Question a colleague who about to make a
What to Communicate

Knowledge Sharing
Do Don't
• Encourage an environment of information sharing • Ignore other suggestions for treatment
and ask for suggestion • Overlook or fail to examine clinical signs that are
• Ask for good ideas for differential diagnosis relevant to treatment
• Ask if anything has been overlooked • Ignore important information to improve your role
• Share information with other team member
What to Communicate

Summarizing and
An essential role of the team leader is monitoring and Do
reevaluating • Draw continuous attention to decision about differential diagnoses
• Review or maintain an ongoing record of drugs and treatment
• The patient status administered and the patients response
• Interventions that have been performed • Clearly draw attention to significant changes in the patient clinical
• Assessment finding condition
How to communicate

• The team leader gives a message.

Order or assignment to team
• By receiving a clear response and
eye contact, the team leader
confirms that the team member
heard and understood the message
• The team leader listens for
confirmation of task performance
from the team member before
C l o s e d L o o p C o m m u n i c a ti o n s assigning another task
How to communicate

• Encourage team member to speak clearly

• Repeat medication order
• Question an order if the slightest doubt

• Mumble or speak in incomplete sentence

• Give unclear message
• Yell, scream our shout
• Feel patronize by distinct an concise
Lear meesages message
How to communicate

• Speak in a friendly, controlled toneof voice

• Avoid shouting of displaying aggression if you
understood initially
• Acknowledge correctly completed assigments by
saying thanks

• Shout or yell at team member, when one

person raised voice other will responds
• Be uniterested
Mutual Respect

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