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Comm1|Lesson 2
 21st-century business is demanding more from its
workforce than ever.
Over 2,000 managers and executives were
American Management Association identified four
skills and were prioritized.
Employee development, strategic planning, and
talent management.
Critical Thinking:
 Assumptions
 Separate the opportunity from the
The answer is right in front of you.
Learn how to break out of established
patterns and look for the unexpected.
Thrive in a team setting while demonstrating
tact, reason, and persuasion.
 Quality written and oral communication is not only about
expressing your views.
 Understood
 Navigate Information, trends, and practices in a fast-paced,
competitive global economy.
 Creativity, collaboration skills, communication skills, and the
ability to think critically.
 Success
 Web browser
 Infinite stream of information
 Curiosity and imagination
 Discern new challenges and opportunities from
the flux and glut of instant-access information.
 Core competency
 Decision Making: decisive, high-impact decisions with
clarity and confidence.
 Strategic Thinking: anticipate, initiate, and manage
 Entrepreneurial Thinking: Learn to embrace risk and
rejection instead of fearing them in order to rejuvenate
your business.
 Information, Media and Technology: The future growth of
every business depends on accessing and utilizing a
global network of resources.
 Ability to identify the insights your
competitors miss.
 Test your assumptions and attack problems
from a new angle.
 Creative potential
Strategic Planning: Identify evolving strategic patterns and
Skills of a ideas
generate Creative
on Person
how they can be applied to your
Abstract Thinking: Learn to develop and analyze the ideas,
images, and data that come from exploring relationships,
patterns, and associations.
Creative Techniques and Activities: Foster creativity by
exploring and sharing a number of possible solutions.

Curiosity: The people who ask the most questions and

who are engaged are the ones who will understand the
root of the problem and find a solution more quickly.
high-speed communications allow
virtual teams to take on projects
from locations spread out across
the globe.

traditional team-building
skills and the self-direction
Developing trust: When the only forms of
Skills of a Collaborative
communication Person
are emails, net meetings, and
conference calls, you need to know how to
develop trust without face-to-face interaction.
Leading with Influence: Teamwork goes with leadership.
Learn how the ability to influence those around you can be
your greatest leadership asset.
Working fluidly across boundaries: Learning
people's methods, cultural references, and work
habits are necessary to collaborate for an effective
end. global awareness: Your ability to
understand what is going on in the world is essential in
the foundation on which companies and careers are
lasting success
requires bringing together different points of view
and relaying that information without losing clarity
or focus.
Skills needed: and listening techniques:
Communication is a two-way-street. Effective listening
will improve your job-effectiveness and work
Presentation skills: The ability to speak well in a public
forum is what separates average managers from
Business writing: Organized, logical and persuasive
excellent leaders.
writing will allow you to break through the clutter to get
Intervention and conflict management: Express your
your message heard.
ideas in an honest and direct manner to take control of
any conflict or situation without alienating others.
Assertive communication: Asserting your authority
without being heavy-handed is a delicate issue but

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