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Gender and Child Abuse

Presented by:
Noemi M. Dela Cruz
Master Teacher I
Child Abuse
is like a crumpled paper.
No matter how hard we try
to make it straight again, the
scars will be there forever.
Child Abuse and
is an increasing social problem.

The effects are not limited to

childhood but cascade throughout life,
with significant consequences for
victims, their families and society.
 Child Abuse, as defined by Gill
“nonaccidental physical
injury, minimal or
fatal,inflicted upon children by
persons caring for them.”
 Is any action by another person – adult or child
– that causes significant harm to a child. It can
be physical, sexual or emotional, but can just
as often be about a lack of love, care and
 An abused child will often experience more
than one type of abuse, as well as other
difficulties in their lives.
Gender-based Violence:
 Violenceinvolving men and women, in
which the woman/female is usually
the victim and which arises from
unequal power relationships between
men and women
 (violence committed in an intimate
2006: US Dept. of Health and Human Services:

 65% of child maltreatment encompasses neglect

 16% involves physical abuse
 9% involves sexual abuse
 7% involves emotional abuse
 2% involves medical neglect
Average age of identification
of maltreatment victims: 7.4
Infants 2 years: Most often
victims of child neglect.
Predisposing Factors
Child Characteristics
Environmental Characteristics
Parental Characteristics
Parental history of abuse,
Socially isolated,
Low self esteem,
Less adequate maternal functioning.
Child Characteristics
Unwanted or unplanned child,
No. of children in the family,
Child’s temperament,
Position in the family,
Additional physical needs if ill or
Activity level or degree of sensitivity to
parental needs.
Environmental Characteristics
Chronic stress,
Problem of divorce,
Poor housing,
Frequent relocation,
Drug Addiction
Management and Prevention of
Child Abuse
 Family Counselling and education:
Reduce the impact of child abuse
and develop strategies of personal
safety and protective healthy ways of
children and young people.
Educate parent and focus on the
enhancing behaviour, such as
developing and practicing positive
discipline techniques and learning
age-appropriate child development
skill (Parent Education Programs)
Bruises fade
But the pain
Lasts forever…
Thank you!

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