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From October 1990- to 1993
Economic reforms
Privatization he privatized the nationalized industries under his economic
reforms. This nationalization was introduced during Z. A. Bhutto’s period.
He provided free movement of foreign exchange in an out of the country and
incentives of foreign and Pakistani entrepreneurs.
 Protection to reforms in order to protect the introduced reforms, he got an Act of
Protection of Economic Reforms 1992 passed by the NA.
Nawaz Sharif had a commanding majority in the NA so his position to bring
reforms and fundamental changes in economic policies strengthened.
Manipulation of Denationalization
The process of denationalization was manipulated for the interest of political
bosses or the people Nawaz desired:
 The reference-prices were determined without an objective criterion.
 The bureaucracy interfered to oblige their own relatives.
 The management of many privatized units was handed over without payment of
 In some cases, the management was handed over the units without obtaining
acceptable Bank guarantee of the balance of 60%.
 Biddings were opened in a clandestine manner to ensure gains for personal or
individual interest.
Benazir’s bold offer
Benazir offered Nawaz Sharif cooperation for repeal of 8 th amendment, while she
sat in the opposition. Nawaz declined her proposal as he was obliged to Ishaq, for
dismissing Benazir and paving way for his rise to power.
Creation of special courts
The Afghanistan war spread violence in Pakistan.

Street crimes, robberies and decoities on the highways became widespread.

Nawaz Sharif’s government created special courts for the trial of heinous crimes

The 12th amendment established special courts by adding clause B to article

212 of the 1973 constitution.
Difference between President and Prime
The sudden death of the Chief of Army Staff, General Asif Nawaz on January
1993, gave rise to a conflict between the two highest authorities.
Nawaz wanted to appoint a member of his choice but Ishaq Khan asserted his
power in this matter and appointed Abdul Waheed Kakar as Army Chief.
Nawaz Sharif took this as an insult and denial to his authority.

He now wanted to amend the constitution to minimize the discretionary

powers of the President under the 8th amendment.
But he missed his opportunity when BB was onboard for this change.
Dissolution of the NA- 18th April 1993
As a result of Nawaz Sharif’s efforts to remove power from the president, Ishaq
retaliated by ordering the dissolution of NA and dismissing the PM and hid
cabinet and installed a care-taker government.
This was challenged in the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court reinstalled the government of Nawaz Sharif on the grounds
that the president was inbound to the advice of the PM which the PM had not sent
to the President.
The government didn’t last longer than 2 more months.
Nawaz Sharif’s success
the drop-scene occurred on 18th July 1993. Nawaz Sharif advised dissolution of the
NA and resigned.
Ishaq passed the order of dissolution and stepped down as President. Wasim
Sajjad, the Senate Chairman, took over as Acting President.

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