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Synchrotron Radiation

Group 4

( Sumeru J - Materials Required || Suchetan G - Application || Monish G -

Future Scopes )

Synchrotron techniques are powerful tools in environmental research. In relation to
regulatory development, the quality and impact of synchrotron data is beginning to show
its merit. The momentum of synchrotron research in the United States Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) is leading to a robust approach to site and risk assessment to
understand bioavailability of metals as well as remedial design at contaminated sites. The
continuous success of synchrotron studies to address complex environmental issues will
lead to more acceptance by those in the regulatory community, resulting in well-informed
policy decisions. We encourage our national and international peers to produce high-
quality outputs utilizing synchrotron techniques and push these capabilities to the limit to
address important future issues. USEPA researchers understand the vital impact of
synchrotron research in reducing the uncertainty and dynamic nature of scientific
knowledge. We will continue to educate risk assessors and decision makers on the value of
synchrotron data and its importance in protecting human health and the natural

A Synchrotron is an extremely powerful source of X-rays. The X-rays are produced by
high energy electrons as they circulate around the synchrotron. The entire world of
synchrotron science depends on one physical phenomenon: When a moving electron
changes direction, it emits energy. When the electron is moving fast enough, the emitted
energy is at X-ray wavelength. A synchrotron machine exists to accelerate electrons to
extremely high energy and then make them change direction periodically. The resulting X-
rays are emitted as dozens of thin beams, each directed toward a beamline next to the
accelerator. The machine operates day and night, with periodic short and long shutdowns
for maintenance.
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