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Indeterminant form

& L'Hopital’s Rule

Presented By: Naitik Jain   J031
                      Jay Ajmera  J004
– A mathematical expression can also be said to be indeterminate if it is not
definitively or precisely determined. Certain forms of limits are said to be
indeterminate when merely knowing the limiting behavior of individual parts of
the expression is not sufficient to actually determine the overall limit.
– For example, a limit of the form 0/0, i.e., limx->0f(x)/g(x)  where, lim f(x) = limx-
>0g(x)=0 is indeterminate since the value of the overall limit actually x->0
depends on
the limiting behavior of the combination of the two functions.
– There are seven indeterminate forms involving 0, 1, and    : 
Some Indeterminate Forms

Solved using L’Hopital’s rule

using L’Hopital’s rule

using L’Hopital’s rule
L'Hopital's Rule
Introductio L’Hopital’s rule is a general method of evaluating
indeterminate forms in the form of 0/0 and ∞/∞.
L'Hopital's rule can be applied more than once. After
applying this rule if there still is an indeterminate form
use it again and again until you solve that indeterminate

Note: It only works if the indeterminate form of type 0/0 and ∞/∞.

Proof of L'Hopital's rule
Let f, g : (a, b) → R be differentiable at c ∈ (a, b)
Hence, they are continuous in [a,b]
Suppose f(c) = g(c) = 0 and g'(c) ≠ 0
using Cauchy's Mean Value Theorem we can say that
f'(c)/g'(c) = limx→c f(x)−f(c)/g(x)−g(c)
f'(c)/g'(c) = limx→c f(x)/g(x)
(Hence Proved) 
Applications of
L'Hopital's Rule
Continuous Compounding Interest

L'Hopital's Rule is used to prove that the

compound interest rate equation through
continuous compounding equals Pe^rt.

Continuous compounding interest rates

are encountered every day
in investments, different types of bank
accounts, or when paying credit cards
bills, mortgages, etc.
Continuously compounded interest
Continuously compounded interest is interest that is computed on the initial principal, as well as all
interest other interest earned. The idea is that the principal will receive interest at all points in time,
rather than in a discrete way at certain points in time.

Continuously compounded interest is the mathematical limit of the general compound interest
formula, with the interest compounded an infinitely many times each year. Or in other words, you
are paid every possible time increment. Mathematicians, have derived a way to approximate the
value such a sum would converge to, and it is given by the following formula:
Interest  Rates
The Gamma Function
• The Gamma function is used to model the factorial function. Because the
common way to determine the value of n! was inefficient for large "n"s, the
gamma function was created, an integral formula for n!. L'Hopital's rule is
used in proving the Gamma Function along with using integration by parts.
(Gamma Function) 

• The Gamma Function is used in engineering, quantum physics,

astrophysics, fluid dynamics, statistics, combinatorics, probability theory,
etc. Specifically, it is often used in Gamma distributions, which are used in
statistical models for predicting different kinds of natural events including
the interval of time between earthquakes.
Thank You

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