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Assignment #2
English 1
Forest Management Program
Vocational College
Universitas Gadjah Mada
• Record yourself answering the questions on the following page.
• Use any device you have to record yourself as long as it is clear and
loud enough to be heard. Save your recording in MP3 format.
• In a speaking test you will only have limited time to prepare your
speech (1-2 minutes). Therefore, as much as you can put yourself in a
speaking test mode (prepare your speech for only 1-2 minutes
maximum depending on your condition).
• Compress your recording files and then submit it through our ELOK
Listen and read the problem Gary has below and then give
him suggestion to solve his problem. As much as you can
vary your expressions in giving him advice. Name your file:

• I am Gary. I work for an NGO called White Hands. I support projects in rural
areas from my office. I really enjoy my job. Now my organization is implementing
a new system called "home-office". Twice a week I will have to stay home and
work from my computer, or telecommute. My boss says it will be a good change
as we will be able to work from home. I find it rather awkward. I live alone and
have nobody to talk with. Besides, all my friends are at the office. I will really miss
the social interaction on those days. What if I can't find a file and I need
assistance from a co-worker? What if I need to talk to my boss but he is not
online? I don’t really feel comfortable with this new idea of telecommuting. I wish
I could come to the office every day I have done for the past 5 years.
Pretend that you are working for a taxi company. Listen and read
the problem Susan Lee has below and then propose a solution to
solve her problem. Name your file: Yourname_Solution1

• Hello, this is Susan Lee. I'm calling from the airport. One of your taxis dropped me
off at the international departure terminal 20 minutes ago. I think my passport
got left behind in the taxi. I noticed it was missing when I checked in with the
airline. I can't find it in my purse or my carry-on bag. I've retraced my route since
arriving, and I cannot locate it. My passport must still be in the taxi. I don't
remember the driver's name. Part of his license number is 3562. Can you please
find the driver and ask him to look for it? I can't miss my flight. It's leaving in an
hour. I'll pay for it to be delivered to me. Please call me as soon as possible. My
number is 081325506598. Thank-you
Pretend that you are working for a tour and travel agency. Look at the
information provided below. Listen to one potential customer asking for
information about the tour then record yourself response to the questions.
Name your file: Yourname_Response1
Botanical Gardens Tour
January 15, 2022
Tickets: $ 40 per person*
9:00 a.m. Meet at the front entrance: 555 South Main Street
9:15-10:00 Walking tour of the outdoor gardens
10:00- 11:00 Tour of the greenhouses
11:00- 12:00 Lecture on flowers of the region
12:00- 1:00 p.m. Lunch in the Garden Cafe
1:00-3:00 View special exhibits on tropical plants
3:00-4:00 Tea and pastries in the outdoor garden

* Special discount: Buy your ticket by December 25 and pay $ 35.

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